Forums supported by: |
Main Forums |
Topics: 299 | Replies: 1.6K |
The official and most important notes about updates of miniBB project, its development and components. |
Topics: 50 | Replies: 758 |
Take a look in here before sending a problem, report or a question — perhaps it's been discussed already. |
How To
Topics: 269 | Replies: 1.3K |
Features, configuration possibilities, miniBB interface... Not sure how to set a certain forums option? Ask here! |
Topics: 131 | Replies: 729 |
If you suppose you've discovered a bug in miniBB — report here immediately! Opened for Guest posting. |
The Other
Topics: 334 | Replies: 2K |
Common type discussions about miniBB, which don't fit in the aforementioned forums. If you are in doubt where to drop your question, this is the right place for everything. |
Topics: 16 | Replies: 102 |
Официальная поддержка miniBB на русском языке. Вопросы, предложения, улучшения. Что было неясно ранее, станет понятно. |
Coding Forums |
Official Addons and Solutions
Topics: 33 | Replies: 1.6K |
Any questions, bug reports related to plug-ins and solutions offered in our Downloads section. One plug-in = one thread. |
Custom Tutorials and Modifications
Topics: 221 | Replies: 1.6K |
Custom code snippets and/or descriptions for extending miniBB, which may be useful exactly for You, but are not included in the official Downloads list. |
Master Class
Topics: 80 | Replies: 706 |
Advanced programming, integration and designing/CSS questions related to miniBB. |
Additional Forums |
Topics: 632 | Replies: 3K |
If you have a very own question or problem related to your own project only and not directly to miniBB, post it here. |
Topics: 292 | Replies: 824 |
All questions which already have been answered on our forums, or described in miniBB Manual, or mentioned other way, or do not reflect the subject of our forums, are collected here. |
Feedback Forums |
Topics: 107 | Replies: 612 |
If you know how to make miniBB even better, would like to suggest a new or improve the existing feature, tell us about it here. |
Topics: 1 | Replies: 179 |
Constructive thoughts on miniBB, the work miniBB team provides, and how it impressed you and your miniBB-based community. |
Blogs |
Topics: 14 | Replies: 31 |
Transcribing life, annually. |
Test Forums |
Topics: 217 | Replies: 1.2K |
Just-a-quick-test section. Post anything here and check how it works. |