More than a year passed since I first
announced the Premium add-ons updates for miniBB 3, and it took time on my end to test and fix everything which was coming by this year in the basic miniBB as well.
The current release of miniBB could be called stable, and it's one of the final steps to "miniBB Complete" - a full board, which could be plugged in and out upon compilation of different add-ons and plug-ins via
miniBB Compiler. In the nearest future, we will offer a "full premium package" of miniBB, where at reduced cost you could get "all-in-one" version of all possible plugins + premium bonuses, which could be also constructed in and out at your convenience.
As usually, there is provided the full history of changes; looking at the bottom of
Updating History file, you may upgrade your board from any version.
This version of miniBB is thoroughly tested and made compatible with the most recent at this date release of
PHP, which is
Removing user profiles now will be allowed to moderators, too (with the optional possibility to exclude certain moderators from this feature). For this, to the earlier admin panel's function, there is a couple of new conditions added. Now it's possible to just *block* the user's account without completely removing it; AND delete user's messages at once. This could allow to fight spamming members more effectively. Often there is a case when some account floods a lot of messages, and later there is no way to remove them all easily at once. Now there should be few of ways.
To avoid confusions, admin panel's "delete email notifications" section now will not remove all emails from the subscriptions table, if no email was typed in. Instead, a standalone
"Delete All" button will be present on this form (with the proper addition of this phrase to the language pack).
Since in PHP 5.4.x `htmlspecialchars` function became obsolete (it seems not to transform only specific quotes, apostrophes or 'less than', 'greater than' chars, but also completely garbles non-UTF8 content by default), there was a decision to re-create the old-style of this function in miniBB, which is now called '
operate_string'. Also, there were new rules created to support MS-Word-based characters conversion, specifically in ISO/UTF encodings (which now should allow to copy/paste texts from MS Word into miniBB with the proper tension to convert most common specific chars). To that, in all miniBB official add-ons we have replaced `htmlspecialchars` to that function.
Besides of it, many add-ons were updated to fix various HTML issues, minor security issues, and other regarding miniBB Complete.
Follow the list of updates to upgrade your versions:
Human Authorization (Captcha) 1.4 - progress indicator added; htmlspecialchars replacement; updated files:
img/progress.gif, templates/addon_authorize.html, addon_authorize.phpChecker 2.4.1 - htmlspecialchars replacement; $l_author changed to $l_lastAuthor for Recent Reply icon's alt/title; German language added; updated:
addon_checker.php, templates/addon_checker_queue_cell.htmlFilebank 1.4.1 - htmlspecialchars replacement; updated file:
addon_storage.phpFile/Image Upload & Attachments 2.1.4 - htmlspecialchars replacement; in a case when $editMsgReloc is set (TRUE), and if the improper file was uploaded, when editing the message, the script should unset this value, so the user is not redirected to the thread *anyway*, seeing a warning message [this appears on editing the message when uploading the invalid type of file or size]; secured topicDir input on file deletion - updated files:
addon_fileupload.php, bb_plugins2.code.txtPhoto album 1.5.3 - 'removeuser' action's code updated for miniBB 3.0.1 - updated file:
bb_plugins.code.txtPremoderation 1.3.8 - changes regarding 'removeuser' actions - updated file:
bb_plugins.code.txtPrivate Messages 2.4.4 - BCC Moderators function extended to possibility of certain Moderators selection (sponsored by; email notifications option will be un-ticked automatically, if a certain email address is removed from the admin panel ("Delete email notifications") section; htmlspecialchars replacement; changes regarding 'removeuser' and admin users mass-deletion function; updated files:
addon_pmail.php, addon_pmail_send.php, templates/addon_pmail_sendmsg.html, bb_plugins.code.txt, bb_plugins2.code.txtFavorites 1.2 - changes regarding 'removeuser' actions; ($action=='userinfo') block updated to have more aligned icon placement; German language pack added; updated:
bb_plugins.code.txtAnti-Guest - library updated; htmlspecialchars replacement; updated files -
addon_anti_guest.php, addon_anti_guest_dict.phpAvatars - corrections regarding 'removeuser' and admin panel deletion of users; security fixes; updated files:
addon_avatar.php, bb_plugins.code.txt; addon_avatar_options.php - check more for this add-on's update in the
post-fixed thread;
Configurable Topic's form - compatibility with miniBB Complete; updated:
bb_plugins2.code.txtMemberslist - htmlspecialchars replacement; updated file:
addon_memberslist.phpMultiple topics action - fix regarding HTML validity - updated:
bb_plugins.code.txtSmilies - removed <br /> from
main_post_form.code.txtUnchecked topics indicator - unread.gif is now spaced before its code (for making it compatible with miniBB Complete); updated:
bb_plugins_parseTopic.code.txtWho's online - /* Show Online Status */ - uoicon appearing fix (will not appear if user is offline); updated:
bb_plugins_parseMessage.code.txtAll language packs were updated to the most recent release, containing major phrases, but they are still translated to English. If you feel you could supply a fully native pack of some language,
you are welcome.
Complier was updated to the latest release, and now it should build all of the new versions of the core and add-ons.
miniBB Demo page was also updated to have the latest release files available.
Many thanks and greetings to all of our customers and partners, who helped me to build the final version of this release, supplying suggestions, bugfixes and security issues: guys from
Polish Forums, Jaime from
Cala Millor (especially for providing German translations, which are going to be published soon), Moony from
Indostan, Canberk Bolat from
Mavituna Security.
I also appreciate each of the little suggestion and hints coming from our guest and members on this forum.
You are welcome to build the fastest, stable and shaped forum software on Earth... which is an utopia, but who knows :)
Thank you all.
Enjoy this release, and as always, feel free to report any issues or bugs you may find on our Community, or using private
contacts form.
After all final tests completed on miniBB 3.0.1, I'm going finally release the Mobile skin/version for miniBB - I believe it will be
FREE to all users, released at no cost, with the hope to develop the most appealing Mobile forum on Earth.
Stay tuned and keep smiling! :)