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miniBB's targeting strategies

Talking about "targeting" audience, there is usually mentioned what age range it belongs to, or how much money is in their pockets. With miniBB, we are trying to target something different... It doesn't matter how old are you, and it doesn't matter if you have an initial software investment or not. But you definitely should be motivated enough to understand, why do you need miniBB and no other program for your forums. You must be prepared to miniBB before you get into it.

By this, we are looking mostly for open minded, intelligent, moderate people with a set of efficiency principles in different areas of life, who always try not to be similar to others, and those, who know what "less is better" does really mean, in any aspect, "the less you consume, the more it works for you". miniBB is not just a reduced software, it is actually intended for web developers with their strict understanding of the human standards, and specially for those who are proud to know the real nature of things. You must be kinda selfish to start with miniBB, and have a longing to perfectionism to continue with it. And you should know that having few small things, all of which absolutely work for you, is better than having a lot of huge things, which do not work correctly or do not satisfy you at all.

All of the above can be called just a sort of philosophy with a Buddhism affection on it, which doesn't seem to stand for marketing strategies, and we may gladly agree with such opinion too. From the beginning the Internet promised to give people a great freedom of choice, but now, we think, it may be a weapon, used by the World to subordinate individuals. The best here is what you've chosen under reconstruction of your own consciousness. Remember that if you act like everybody else, you will get the same what everybody else gets. That's why with miniBB, we are trying to achieve a deep level of personalization. And during few years of miniBB work we are sure that behind our customers choice of miniBB as their forum software, there's standing more than a simple wish to have a secured and stable forum installed: it's their unique view of life. Personalities always matter.

We prefer to work on long-term projects and not just with shallow researchers, who install our software for try-out purpose, then, in case of being negatively affected by the public opinion, switch to other software, then eventually find it not enough in terms of powerful features, and start from a greedy scratch with something new; finally, they lose interest in anything and disappear... Unfortunately, 90% of the free software market works this way, it's the most indefinite market on Earth; but it is NOT what we are interested in and supposed to work for. MiniBB's goal is being a stable mature software, and by now it stands very close to that goal, that's why our main target right now is stability.

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Forum owners about miniBB:
I must say this is the first forum software I found whose authors even think of providing means for external authentication, and that is great. I have site with its own user database and until now i did not need forum. Now, I cannot find anything that allows me to integrate forum into my site. Each forum requires its own user authentication scheme.
as written by...Pedja
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