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miniBB difference to competitors

Being a professional forum software, so far miniBB® is the only officially registered open source forum program's trademark in the United States Patents and Trademarks Office, Reg.No. 3,297,743 (® and the sign near its title means exactly that). We are proud of it a lot because it took us year of deeply concentrated work to make it happen. Careful concentration actually is one of our basic principles when performing any task. MiniBB itself is the example of concentration.

One of the most important miniBB features is its plug-ins architecture. In the current version we develop a very stable program's core, which is not going to be critically changed, but at the same time could be extended with additional features without losing possibility to upgrade easily in the future. Such plug-ins include what we are offering amongst our free or paid add-ons, as well as many custom modifications. Such architecture is closely related to the success of your forums. If you will start with the basic module and will keep adding new features to it as long as your community grows, it will be much better approach, than installing every possible feature at once. Your forum members will get "excited" with every new feature you've installed and it may become like a breath of fresh air for your forums. Imagine you're nailing something: if you'll nail too hard, willing to fasten it with the nail in one hit, there's to hit your finger and miss the nail itself; however, performing several weaker, but much more precise hits, you can fasten the nail with a far more better accuracy.

Technically, miniBB contains a very different internal code, compared to other software produced by crowds of programmers. Imagine there is only one small room where 15 people are trying to live together; now compare it to only 2 people staying in the same small room. Can you smell the dirt?.. Our code is very transparent and polished, as only miniBB coders, i.e. 2 people have access to it. That makes the program very clean itself. Additionally, we critically rate any function before adding it to the main code, that's why there is no chaos. Show us any "perfect" forum software, and we will easily prove that it has a lot of structural chaos inside its code.

Visually, miniBB differs by its simplified interface. We've paid a lot of attention to its details. As always, details make sense. This especially matters in the administration interface, which is comfortably combined with forums content, not available in other forum software, or implemented in a different (not really right, as we think) way.

Of course, miniBB also differs by its default interface. Our goal is not to create a clone of any existing layout. The version of the interface you are looking at now, is the 3rd renovation of our design, created following years of experience.

Despite that, one of the most important points to mention in terms miniBB's unique sides is its layout integration schema, matching your own eyes and taste. Learn more about it in the miniBB visual design chapter.

Whatever differs miniBB a lot from its competitors, is also the way how it's specially designed to inherit your existing members data and login procedure. You may read more about it in the miniBB synchronization chapter.

Finally, is different in terms of PR management miniBB too. We didn't make any big PR campaign, because the best things you discover in this world, definitely come to you by themselves or by recommendation of your friends. If you were selected by the Fortune to know about our software, then you're here already. But if you weren't - why we should care? We do prefer to take care of the program itself, and those who's using it right now, or else the quality may quickly lose its balance...

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Forum owners about miniBB:
I recently tried other bb forum software which will remain nameless. It was bulky and hard to customize. I went to a site that I frequently visit and that I know had some simple and elegant forum software. I clicked the link on the bottom and here I am, ready to install miniBB. Awesome job guys. I've seen it in action so I already know it will do what I need without the other crap. Like this, more software should be written with the aim of simplicity and core CS fundamentals.
as written by...Eric LeVan
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