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What is miniBB®?

As it's already visible in the title, "miniBB" stands for something tiny, small, cute and lovely. "BB" is an abbreviation for "Bulletin Board", so "miniBB" is the software for making a "mini bulletin board" or a "mini forum". The "mini" wording itself expands to many other meanings.

  • The program can be installed in a minute, and only couple of minutes per day are required to moderate forums based on it, because all parts of it load in a minimum amount of time. It runs with a minimum technical and server-side requirements, and is used by people having a minimal knowledge of Internet programs. We target it mostly for small-to-medium activity forums, which can be integrated into existing applications at minimal costs as well.
  • The interface is carefully minimalized to bring the effeciency into management of forums, which are quick, simple, self-explanatory and easy-to-use even for inexperienced users.
  • The core of the program includes only basic functions, and some specific functions, which are not requested by the majority of the forum users, come as add-ons, which can be installed or uninstalled separately. This approach allowes you to choose the minimum installation, based on your specific needs, not the maximum you will never use in full.
  • When upgrading the software core, a minimum of time is required to spend since it's as easy as just overwriting certain files, thus keeping all of your custom modifications intact.
  • Finally, when it comes to premium support and custom development, our mini-prices say it all.

As you see, "mini" doesn't mean "nothing", and as it has been proven already many times, you can start with a minimum, but achieve a maximum effect with it in the end, running very large forums with hundreds of instant visitors and millions of posts, which miniBB is able to handle easily as well, because of its simple and code-optimized nature. Our software comes in a "low-fi" mode by default, but it can be tuned and expanded to meet every possible end-user requirement.

We have started to work on miniBB years ago because we didn't find any other forum software combining all aforementioned strategies. By this time, miniBB is being developed only by its authors and supporters, being completely independent and not belonging to any "major" companies. It has grown up from a hobby to something more meaningful and important, something that combines many aspects of a successful business. That wouldn't be possible without support of our great customers and users, and, of course, it wouldn't be born without LOVE! :-)

⇐ Our forum program is free! Chapters Index Index  What differs miniBB from its competitors ⇒
Forum owners about miniBB:
I searched a long time for a optimal forum for my clanpage. I tried phpBB, but its too big; i mean, i dont need the advanced features, and i think the design isnt as simple and nice as miniBB. After downloading the miniBB 2.0 Pack, i didnt have any problems to install it. I needed some more plugins, and it was so simple to install them. I can just suggest this great forum for all other searchers!!! NICE WORK MINIBB TEAM ;)
as written by...TMW
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