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Cobmine → Compile → Communicate: Setup & Run miniBB in a few minutes


  • Choose the only board add-ons you need
  • Download your very own package on-the-fly in a second
  • Install everything in minutes, following the short automated README file
  • Enjoy your personal forums!

Welcome to the future! Planned as the revolutionary forum software, now miniBB brings the new level of program's core compilation. If earlier you could spend hours of work, compiling all the extra options and add-ons for your miniBB board, trying to make it well-planned and optimized, now it takes just a couple of seconds. No installation on your side required, it works completely live online!

Less is better, but if you want more, less is more. It's an obvious fact: as less code the program has, as more stable and fast it is. miniBB keeps standing unique in this aspect, specially comparing to other forum software. Currently there are no programs on the market which could offer you the same feature.

Program builds a program

Whatever you need to do, is to check the plugins you would like for the fresh installation of miniBB, click the button - and voila - on the output you have a fully compiled software package which is just ready to install and execute. Unzip it to your server, follow installation instructions from the README.txt, install and run it immediately. Combine, compile, communicate... COMPOSE YOURSELF - that's all is what miniBB.COM is about.

No more installation bugs or difficulties

MiniBB compiler is an ideal tool both for newbies, which are not opposed to get into the programming installation deeply, and professional webmasters, who need a specific and light forum package for various customers build in a minute. Forget about unsupported 3rd party all-in-one or full-mods or built-in-hacks versions, or however you may call them. The compiler tool is dynamically bundled with all the latest add-ons and core versions. Whatever is upgraded in miniBB, is immediately upgraded in the Compiler, so you can be sure: you always get the most secured and up-to-date software version. Additionally, if you may not include some of the plugins at the initial compilation, they all could be added or even removed later as your forums grow.

Paid customers are allowed to compile packages with the paid add-ons they have purchased, until the certain add-on's download limitation is over. Steps to compile paid extensions are easy: just sign-in to your customers area, then go to the Compiler's page while being logged in, and you should no longer see "Paid add-on's" remarks, meaning they are now can be bundled with the software. Now you can check them in and proceed, being sure they will be included in the package with no promo restrictions.

Keep your time, money and resources

miniBB becomes 'maxi' with this proud step, still being 'mini'; it does other forum software, because obviously you will find nothing on this market which allows to build your own version of software on the same level. It works on both hands: fans of minimalism would be happy to keep it mini, full-package enthusiasts are welcome to get straight to the maximum. Earlier, we often got claims we have not this and that at the time they do have; now it's time to say: we have it all and even more, but they don't - and never won't!

Do you know the other software which provides the same level of pre-compilation, simplicity, efficiency and speed? Let the miniBB community know if you are so sure!

Else... You are ready to rock!


Forum owners about miniBB:
That's great forum. Simple, nice, no futilities.
as written by...Jiri Safra
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