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miniBB Commercial Use / Copyright Removal License

miniBB software is released under Generic Public License, and has all benefits and limitations provided by GPL. You can copy/distribute/modify all scripts under the terms of GPL, edit every file you get in the package, replace miniBB logo, also put your own keywords and description, but you are not allowed to remove the backlink to miniBB website from the template called "main_footer.html" (even you may edit it's look or location), and offer miniBB as your product or part of website thereafter, according to the sections 1 and 2c of GPL. This is the only one condition of using the free software - miniBB's copyright, so called "Link Attribution", should not be removed from public.

Keep it, but hide it

It may be not always acceptable to keep this link, specially for commercial or representative sites. Since miniBB is designed to fit any site perfectly, you can achieve it looking like a "non-recognized" board. The only thing left to arrange would be the GPL condition. For that case, miniBB author, as the only developer of this software, has an exclusive right to offer the special License, which is, in general, the agreement between You and miniBB author, which allows you to hide or remove the Attribution link from public. This way you will be allowed to keep only your own public copyright information. If there is no such private agreement established between you and miniBB author, Copyright link removal is prohibited.


One of the benefits of hiding miniBB public copyright notice, is preventing from digital hacking attacks from all over the world. Despite it is impossible to recognize an exact version of the software, you have to know that miniBB is one of the search-engine-most-well-indexed bulletin board script worldwide. You may discover hundred thousands of sites using miniBB in any search engine, searching by its backlink. The same way anyone could find your forums page. Copyright removal would avoid this, and visitors would find your forums only by keywords.

How it looks

Commercial License means actually an electronic agreement between you and One copy of this agreement is kept on, the home of miniBB, and another copy should be kept in your forums folder, and could be used as an anti-violation reference. The License is issued on a domain basis, one per domain, for unlimited amount of sub-domains. Each domain receives the unique identification key, which is issued manually.

You should keep in kind some special notes of your License:

  • It covers the usage of miniBB for a limited number of versions. For example, if a current version is 3.3, you would be able to upgrade and use miniBB within the terms of License up to version 3.6. Usually, it is more than enough, because we are doing a lot of intermediate releases, and initial release is something what we could call "stable".
  • Registering a License, you should provide your, or your Company's title, and the domain name, where miniBB will be installed. If you will use miniBB on the internal domain, it will be mentioned in License.
  • Getting a License, you are not obtaining title to the software or any copyrights; may not sublicense, rent, or lease the Licensed software for any purpose. At the same time, you can do everything with your copy of miniBB on your domain, incl. Copyright removal.

Note: we are not providing free upgrades or any free services among this License.

Check it out!

Click here to view example of the key License. If this sample doesn't fit your software usage requirements, we have to discuss your specific details in private.

You pay only US $70 per one issued key. This is a lifetime payment, or until the version of the software you are using, exceeds the License's defined limit. Afterall, we are providing free support of 10 replies by email.

Commercial License / Copyright Removal Key for miniBB - BUY NOW! (US $70)

The sum of the order you see on the screen, is final. No hidden fees or charges will applied to your payment. We cover the transaction fees.

Please study all Terms, Conditions and Descriptions on this page before completing this purchase!

Distribution of miniBB in 3rd party products

If your software has GPL or another payment-free License, you may distribute miniBB without limitations amongst your product, BUT keeping miniBB Copyright notices in scripts, and the Attribution link. If you distribute your software for commercial clients, and would like to include miniBB in this distribution, it would require a special agreement and permission to do so. The standard Commercial License described above, is not adoptable for such case. Contact us privately for discussing this case.

Questions you might have about the Commercial License:

Q: What should I do with the keyfile?

A: Just drop it in the forums folder and refer to it in any claiming case.

Q: Can anybody see the License information or keyfile?

A: If you mean your own key - no. But since miniBB is, in some way, a "recognizable" software, somebody noticing the removed copyright could claim that. For that case, you may provide URL to your forums License, and URL to the License key on The License says: "If user has the same key file on the mentioned domain, and this file is compatible with the key information provided on the URL above, that proves user is a legally accepted owner of the copy of the software."

That way you would prove you are legally accepted to remove miniBB copyright.

If you mean "could anybody see it on" - we're not publishing Licenses. They are kept on the official miniBB server only for comparision purposes, as described above.

Q: Do I have to provide a link to the License on my site, or is that my option?

A: You don't have to provide a link. It's optional.

Q: Is it possible to use the screen name that I use on the site on the License rather than my real name, perhaps along with my email for the site? Or can I use my first initial instead of my full name?

A: Important is the fact the copyright has been removed, but not an exact person mentioned, so we could keep your privacy by request. The most important part of the License is the domain, so it is possible to mention the Owner as as the "Domain staff". It would mention that anybody working under the Domain, is allowed toe remove miniBB public Copyright link.

Order Contract

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Alternative payment methods are available, contact us privately for more information.

Before you start, study the Delivery Policy of our products (Downloadable Goods).

After clicking the "Buy Now" link above, you'll be redirected to page.

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After finishing the order, you should be automatically forwarded back to, this step completes the order.

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Our Refund Policy in whole relates to our retailer's Refund Policy, and it is possible to issue a refund if you are eligible to clarify that your purchase was done by mistake or occasionally; in that case please contact us, or 2Checkout support immediately.

Forum owners about miniBB:
I know NOTHING about programming, I just copied and pasted, doing some upgrades on forum! I worked all weekend on it! I was really scared that I would ruin it and crash the forum, which I did a few times. Thankfully I always made a copy of the file I was working on. I feel really good that I was able to get it to somewhat I wanted. Now it looks killer!
as written by...Kikker5150
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