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miniBB Compiler

Leave defaults if you trust the only manual choice, but if you'd like to get it quickly... Select a template from the list below, verify your selection and click the "Compile" button below this form. Suggest your own template of choice at miniBB forums - opened even for guests! :-)

Forum core and options

Custom prefix for database forum tables (for example they will be named: minibbtable28_forums, minibbtable28_topics, minibbtable28_posts... etc.). Use only lowercase latin alphabet letters, digits and underscore ("_") sign, which maybe included in the table name. Prefix must begin with a letter. If prefix is specified wrong, it will be replaced in the compilation process by a random value. This is a mandatory security setting which should differ from defaults.

If you have mySQL version equal or greater than 5.5.3, it would mean your database should provide the full support of UTF-8. If so, check this box, and you'll get the set of commands designed to alter database fields having utf8mb4 character set instead of a regular utf8. Do not set this for older version databases!

Custom name for the forums' top level administration script. Use only latin alphabet letters (preferrably in lowercase), digits and underscore ("_") sign. Do not include .php extension, it will be added automatically (let's say, if you specify 'myforumsadmin' filename, the admin file will be named 'myforumsadmin.php'). This is a mandatory security setting which should differ from defaults.

Enable forums for registered users only. Just a one setting in miniBB which changes everything. miniBB team's recommendation is to set up the starting forums for everybody. Forcing registrations means random visitors would skip posting on your forums, at the time you need each and every post when you start. Later, it's possible to change this option modifying miniBB settings manually.

Force registration confirmations by email. If this mode is enabled, your users will be asked to confirm their registration email, because their password will be emailed there. Refer to our tutorial thread if you need more information on this mode.

Enable "Static" URLs. If you check this option, topic and forum URLs will be bundled with Apache's mod_rewrite setting using .htaccess file, replacing "dynamic" PHP-links in forums. You should be sure your hosting supports .htaccess rules before compiling with this option. Choosing this option, select one of the proper URL-encoding methods below.
Default basic mode: short URLs, no keywords, no URL changes on topic renaming (forum URLs will look like [FORUM_ID]_[PAGE].html, topic URLs will look like [FORUM_ID]_[TOPIC_ID]_[PAGE].html)
Simple keywords-rich URLs (URL to the forum's first page will look like: [FORUM_TITLE]-f[FORUM_ID].html ; URL to the forum's internal page will look like: [FORUM_TITLE]-f[FORUM_ID]-[PAGE].html ; URL to the topic's first page will look like: [TOPIC_TITLE]-[FORUM_ID]-[TOPIC_ID].html ; URL to the topic's internal page will look like: [TOPIC_TITLE]-[FORUM_ID]-[TOPIC_ID]-[PAGE].html)
Advanced keywords-rich URLs, like they are currently presented on miniBB forums (URL to the forum's first page will look like: [FORUM_TITLE]-[FORUM_ID]/ ; URL to the forum's internal page will look like: [FORUM_TITLE]-[FORUM_ID]/index[PAGE].html ; URL to the topic's first page will look like: [FORUM_TITLE]-[FORUM_ID]/[TOPIC_TITLE]-[TOPIC_ID].html ; URL to the topic's internal page will look like: [FORUM_TITLE]-[FORUM_ID]/[TOPIC_TITLE]-[TOPIC_ID]-[PAGE].html)

Mobile/Responsive Layout Eligible to compile for Purchasers only. Read more in Premium Add-ons for a miniBB Forum.

Forum functionality extensions

Human Authorization (CAPTCHA) at guest posting and registering on forums Eligible to compile for Purchasers only. Read more in Premium Add-ons for a miniBB Forum.

Disclaimer approval before Registration

"Anti-Guest" - disallows random spam containing hyperlinks or forbidden words

Who's Online statistics at the bottom of forum
Enable showing online status in threads (next to the username)
Enable 'Hidden mode' set under the forum member's profile

Polls for forum members (or you may call them 'mini-surveys' as well) Eligible to compile for Purchasers only. Read more in Premium Add-ons for a miniBB Forum.

Members list

Statistics: top forum members of the given month

Pre-moderation for new topic and messages on forum Eligible to compile for Purchasers only. Read more in Premium Add-ons for a miniBB Forum.

Unchecked Messages Indicator
Store temporary data in Cookies (client-side)
Store temporary data in mySQL (server-side)
These settings may be changed at later time

Advanced Anchors - stronger hyperlinking to internal messages

Time Ago - replacing the static display of dates/times to the "X minutes/hours/days ago" format

Contact Us - the form to contact the forum administration via email or Private Messaging

Members profile-related extensions

Avatars for forum profiles
Enable both custom and pre-defined avatars
Enable only custom (uploaded) avatars
Enable only pre-defined (chosen from the list) avatars

Signatures in forum messages (attached to the bottom of each message and set under member's profile)
Enable formatting in signatures (BB-codes)

Photo Album for forum profiles Eligible to compile for Purchasers only. Read more in Premium Add-ons for a miniBB Forum.

Gender (male/female) option added to user's profile

Last Visit's date recorded for the user's profile

Member-to-member communication extensions

Direct Emailing: contacting users by sending them emails through the forums server, with email addresses hidden.
Enable that only registered forum members are allowed to send each other messages that way
Enable "Report a Message" feature, when users will be allowed to alert forums admin, sending him an email with the forum message's attached text

Private Messages (PM) between forum members Eligible to compile for Purchasers only. Read more in Premium Add-ons for a miniBB Forum.
Install in mySQL mode (recommended for small-to-medium forums and for easy transferring/back-ups)
Install in flat-files mode (recommended for very large dedicated forums only - will not use the database for storing the messages, but its own data files)

Disable forum greeting message after the new member's registration, which will be not sent in member's PM Inbox (it's Sent by default)
Provide Alerts of forum messages, which are sent as a Private Message to the forum admins (it's Hidden by default)
Turn on the Mass Messaging feature to Administrator, when the same Private Message could be sent to all members of a forum (it's Hidden by default)

Forum moderation extensions

Merging forum topics

Multiple Topics Action - allows to move or delete many topics at once without entering the topic

Forums Checker to read new forum messages immediately Eligible to compile for Purchasers only. Read more in Premium Add-ons for a miniBB Forum.

Profiles Checker, allows admins and moderators constantly check & watch new and updated profiles in a brief list

Check IPs by user ID to determine forum 'trolls'

Message composition extensions

Smilies (Emoticons)

File Attachments and Image galleries Eligible to compile for Purchasers only. Read more in Premium Add-ons for a miniBB Forum.
Enable micro-thumbnails in topic listings
Add Photoswipe scripts for opening full-size pictures

"Bad"/"S"-words removal in posted messages (they will come from a pre-predefined list and will be replaced by asterisks)

Standalone New Topic Form
Put a new topic form on the front page of forums
On the topics page, replace the new topic form below the topics list with the proper link pointing to the new topic form on the standalone page

Extra Buttons / BB-codes

Strike-through Text
Enable for admins only

Color Picker
Enable for everyone (default for admins only)

Bulleted Lists

Highlighting Text




Forum owners about miniBB:
I just wanted to compliment you on what is probably the best message board I have seen yet. I'm not an advanced website designer, but I've been looking at different bulletin board options for a while, and finally decided to use miniBB. This is the most customizable, easy-to-use, easy to understand, and best administrator functions I've come accross yet. I love this thing. The scripting is great, takes up almost no space, and does everything I could possibly want. Just wanted to tell you guys what a great job you've done, and I will refer all who ask to your site for info. Great job! I'll keep an eye out for updates. Thanks for the great product!!!
as written by...Webmaster of [ex] ***
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