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Contacts Form

Thank you for being interested in contacting the miniBB project.
For making an effective communication, we appeal to use the form below only for the following cases:
  • making a business offer or inquiry
  • request for the custom work
  • vulnerability report
  • supplying link for the Showcase or Gallery sections
  • private request for various submissions (language pack, skin, plug-in, bug report, code modification, registration, account removal etc.)

Use alternative ways of getting information:
  • when requesting something about generic miniBB features, options, requirements etc., at first refer to the miniBB Manual
  • having a common question, which could be disclosured to public and discussed by various people, not just miniBB staff - make a post on the miniBB Forum.

Note: miniBB software is free, but it doesn't mean we could provide the free private support to everyone. In the case of private support, at first study our rates at the Premium Support page.

In advance, thank you for understanding and being smart!

Please, fill out all required fields below, marked with asterisk.

* E-mail address to reply:

* Message or Question:

Filling out your message, please make it as short and descriptive as possible.
Characters left: 1000

How to name you:

Alternative ways of contacts (secondary e-mail address, phone, social media, etc.):

After all data is entered, click the "Get In Touch" button below. Thank you!

For regular mail correspondence, please use the following postal address:

Paul Puzyrev /
A.K. 63
Riga LV-1057
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