miniBB ®


Forum solution for real minimalists
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miniBB Features

Every feature we implement for miniBB, is being based on our own and our worldwide customers experience. In the board's core, we have included the major features which every forum program should contain. At the add-ons and extensions level, we provide features which may be requested for a specific board. MiniBB architecture allows to install unlimited add-ons, including your own custom codes. Combining these features altogether using miniBB Compiler or manually, it's possible to achieve various functionality of the same software, and make it truly "mini", providing only the options you truly need!

Feature or OptionAvailability Level
Protected members passwordsIncluded in the core; could be manually re-programmed using any other encoding algorithm
Flood protection by the IP-address and timeIncluded in the core
Brute Force Attack ProtectionIncluded in the core
Your board may be securely opened even for guest posting! - with the special Captcha module protection on guest posting and new registrations.Paid add-on
Special rules for guests and new users for posting external links on forum Included in the core; modifications available as a Free add-on
Safe auto-login when returning on forum in X hoursIncluded in the core; X could be configured up to unlimited time
Single super-admin account for better securityIncluded in the core
Email verification on registrationIncluded in the core, applied with the free optional solution
Full HTTP Secure (HTTPS) CompatibilityIncluded in the core
Immediate security fixesAlways performed in 24 hours by miniBB developers with notification on RSS feed
100% running with PHP's register_globals set to OFF (or ON); as recommended by PHP this setting is turned to OFF in the default PHP version "because it often leads to security bugs". Read documentation for more.Included in the core and all extensions
100% running with PHP's error_reporting set to ANY level. Our software's output is developped as extra clear, without reporting the Notices or any kind of PHP lowest level mistakes.Included in the core and all extensions
Members Profiles and related
Unlimited amount of member accountsIncluded in the core
Forum-related statistics and graphs, based on the amount of posts for each userIncluded in the core; variations available as a Free add-on
GenderFree add-on
Last Visit dateFree add-on
Member PhotosPaid add-on
Possibility to extend member profiles with any kind of custom fieldsIncluded in the core, programmed manually for each individual case
Private Messaging and communication between forum members, with the optional Email notification when the new PM arrives; as well as "Reminders" feature (PM to yourself)Paid add-on
Contacting members by email sent through the serverFree add-on
Displaying Members
Members ListFree add-on
Who's Online module (truly instant!)Free add-on
Managing Members
Profiles may be edited anytime by members, administrator and moderatorsIncluded in the core
New registrations and profile updates monitored by the administrative staffFree add-on
Posting Messages
Unlimited amount of posted messages and topicsIncluded in the core
Straight linking to a certain postIncluded in the core
BB-codes support (external hyperlinks, images, Bold, Italic, font colors, bulleted lists etc.)Included in the core or available as free add-ons, may be extra programmed manually for each individual case
Client-side JavaScript to apply BB-codes easily (char-precise applying of text; not WYSIWYG!)Included in the core
HTML support in messages (for administrator only)Included in the core, optional
Dynamic Quotation option: highlight and quote others messages, move quickly between messages and replying boxIncluded in the core
Quick-Reply and Quick-New Topic formsIncluded in the core (from the ancient times! :-)
Smilies supportFree add-on; custom smilies may be added manually for each individual case
Files and Images attachments (with Image thumbnails) stored on the local filesystemPaid add-on; may be configured for any file type and size
Local Files uploads and references in messagesPaid add-on; may be configured for any file type and size, and plugged in with the Upload Indicator
Embedding YouTube VideosFree add-on
PollsPaid add-on
Preview Message optionFree add-on
Color PickerFree add-on
"Bad"-words auto-filteringFree add-on
Displaying Messages
Avatars from Member's profile; available are pre-defined or uploaded avatarsFree add-on
Signatures from Member's profile, incl. BB-codes (URL, External Images, Fonts and Colors support)Free Solution; may be extra-programmed for each individual case
Members Rankings based on the amount of postsFree add-on
User reputation ("Karma")Paid add-on (avail. by request)
ANY piece of information from poster's Profile (posts count, registration date, country, website, gender etc.), passed through a custom functionIncluded in the core, programmed manually for each individual case
Dynamic displaying of Unread messages for a certain memberPaid add-on (Forums Checker) or Free add-on (New Post Indicator)
Watching certain topics (Subscriptions) with optional Email notificationsIncluded in the core
Google Adsense integrationFree solution
Pre-approval of posted messages (for administrative staff)Paid add-on
Easy search messages function, with options to search by username, post text or topic title within a selected forum only or through all forums, and/or within the selected time period.Included in the core
Previous/Next topic linksPaid add-on (avail. by request)
Topic ratingsPaid add-on (avail. by request)
Managing Messages (Administration)
Editing messages (expiration time limit for regular users, no limits for moderators)Included in the core
Moving certain message(s) to another topic (available to moderators only)Included in the core
Moving certain topics between forums (available to moderators only)Included in the core
Deleting message(s) (optionally available for regular members)Included in the core
Deleting topics (available to moderators only)Included in the core
Locking topicsIncluded in the core
Strickying topics (available to moderators only)Included in the core
Messages Reporting - report posts to the administrator and moderatorsAvailable as the part of "Direct Email" free add-on, or "Private Messaging" paid add-on
Search Engine Optimization
Fully valid W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional HTML, ultra-compact, printing-ready and indexing-friendly outputIncluded in the core and all extensions
SEO Friendly URLsIncluded in the core as the basic version, or extended with a Free add-on; may be programmed manually for each individual case
Automatic Description META-tags for forum and topic pagesIncluded in the core
Dynamic INDEX, FOLLOW (NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW) META-tagsIncluded in the core (could be functionally customized)
Automatic "nofollow" tag on external hyperlinks, and automatic "follow" tag on internal forum and website domain URLsIncluded in the core
RSS feedFree add-on
Forum SitemapFree add-on
Administrative Settings
Creating and managing forum titles, descriptions, iconsIncluded in the core (Admin Panel)
Assigning private, read-only or replies-only forumsIncluded in the core (manual editing)
Protecting whole forum by a single passwordIncluded in the core (manual option)
Banning users by IP/username or blocking user accountsIncluded in the core (Admin Panel)
IP tracking in messages (for administrative staff only)Included in the core and via Paid add-on
Members search (by email, username, activity etc.)Included in the core (Admin Panel)
Exporting members emailsIncluded in the core (Admin Panel)
Assigning forum moderatorsIncluded in the core (manual editing)
Assigning special member rankingsIncluded in the core (manual editing)
Forum Disclaimer and Rules upon registrationFree add-on
Statistics of the boardIncluded in the core (available to public)
Forum manualIncluded in the core; manually edited for each individual case
"Contact Us" secure formPaid add-on (avail. by request)
"Tell-a-friend" secure formPaid add-on (avail. by request)
International Support & Interface Localization
All language packs are competely external. More than 40 pre-existing Language packs available.Free from Downloads
Any interface language modification is easy as editing the plain text fileManual modification
Individual Customization
Detailed W3C Valid CSS stylesheet: you are able to change colors, font sizes, tables width withint the couple of minutes, knowing basic CSS techniques, and apply them to any website's designIncluded in the core, programmed manually for each individual case
Advanced customization regarding your own PHP header and footer, or even complete integration in your scripting template via include() functionIncluded in the core, programmed manually for each individual case
Easy and universal "hand-made" HTML-templates in good old-school style, with no heavy JavaScript, AJAX or newest tricky CSSIncluded in the core
External Membership functions and authorization module with possibility to integrate with almost any kind of the current users login system (based on PHP sessions or cookies) at the non-destructive level.Included in the core, programmed manually for each individual case
Bring forum information on your website's external pagesFree add-on ("First page news"); customized manually for each individual case
Customizable database tables namesIncluded in the core and all add-ons, if they require tables
Customizable date format's display, and time differencesIncluded in the core

Like being a little car, miniBB is full of details which are impossible to list on one page, and like when driving a car, you should know in advance what each of its function means. Study our miniBB Manual for more information on how to set it up, configure and use. You will how such small piece of code could contain almost everything of what every forum needs!

Also, you are immediately welcome to miniBB community which brings all other ins and outs of miniBB. We just need your comments, questions and suggestions, not a private information. Guests are welcome to post straight!

There is no feature, which can not be implemented! Study our rates, and we would implement any custom modification exclusively for you.

Forum owners about miniBB:
This board software is very nice and simple ;) Thanks for your good work!
as written by...Ricardo L., Germany
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