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File Upload / Image galleries add-on for miniBB

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The plugin allows forum's registered members to attach any amount of any kind of files to their posts. Uploaded files may be opened or downloaded regular way clicking on their links. Extension is designed to create thumbnails from JPEG, GIF and PNG images, as well as resize too big pictures to the smaller dimensions. For the authors and forums staff it is allowed to delete the uploaded files anytime, edit their descriptions, also as attach new files to the older message.

How It Works

Uploading files is possible only to registered and logged members. Near the message's posting form there will appear regular file upload boxes. File is chosen pressing the "Browse" button and then locating it on the disk; it is possible to specify short title/description for each file which could do a good job for SEO fans. It's not possible to upload a single file without writing the message's text, so all files must be properly commented, that should work for good forums content as well.

The file will be uploaded at the same time and clicking the same button as when you post the message. After a binary file is uploaded, it appears below the message as attachment with the proper icon; if the picture is uploaded, most likely it will be thumbnailed, so clicking on its thumbnail preview the plugin brings the pop-up window with the fullsize image shown; alternatively, the add-on could be bundled with the Photoswipe library for displaying full-size pictures — read below for more. Uploaded files may be deleted clicking the appropriate link; editing the message it is allowed to edit files titles and add new files.

Screenshot of the file upload boxes and a binary package attachment
Magnifying Glass Icon Screenshot of the file upload boxes and a binary package attachment — click for viewing in full size.

Amazing Features

Configuring this plugin it's possible to specify a wide amount of various settings specially for your very own needs:

  • specify any kind of the file types which are allowed to upload, and so making all other types forbidden;
  • set the file size limits for each file type, so it's not possible to upload the files larger than allowed;
  • set the only forums where file upload option will be available;
  • set the amount of file upload boxes for each forum, and so the maximum amount of files which could be uploaded at once;
  • specify the forums where only administrator and forums moderators will be allowed to upload the files;
  • disable file descriptions (enabled by default);
  • set to allow to view or download originally uploaded files only for registered members (by default, they will be available to everyone)

There are also various settings available which affect the pictures outlook:

  • set the thumbnail's custom width or height, so all thumbnails are being adjusted to the square size and that's why look smooth on the page;
  • set the custom background color and the border's color of thumbnails via CSS;
  • specify the image quality level of thumbnails;
  • set the number of images displayed in one row in a message ("auto-gallery" option)
  • allow to create micro-thumbnails, which could be displayed on the front forums page or in topic listings;
  • set to resize bigger pictures to reduce the traffic and server's load.

Screenshot of 4 pictures attached to the message
Magnifying Glass Icon Screenshot of 3 pictures attached to the message — click for viewing in full size. This message can be checked live on the miniBB Demo topic.

Default configuration of the add-on opens full-size pictures in a simple pop-up window, with its size adjusted to the original picture size. However it's also possible to install the Photoswipe library, which supports all basic touch gestures, incl. reviewing multiple pictures swiping them by a finger on mobile devices. The current version of the add-on is bundled to support Photoswipe v4.1.3, which works on the majority of mobile devices and desktop configurations. Optional setting allows opening the set of pictures from a single forum message (default), or all pictures from a current topic's page. The Mobile set of templates for miniBB supports reviewing pictures in Photoswipe as well.

Screenshot of reviewing the full-size picture in Photoswipe — Firefox Mobile
Magnifying Glass Icon Screenshot of reviewing the full-size picture in Photoswipe — Firefox Mobile — click for viewing in full size.

Being as simple as possible this plugin is not designed to upload large files, and it doesn't provide a file upload indicator. It is commonly used for the web-style content only like small-to-medium archives, packages and pictures. If you would like to allow to upload big size files, check our File Bank extension.

Read and ask more about the features of this plugin in our related forums topic.

Special Requirements

Amongst uploading each file there will be created a special data file with the ".php" extension, and if there is a picture uploaded, it could have up to 2 different thumbnail files. These files could be stored in one special folder with the proper permissions set, or in different folders where each of them corresponds to a topic's ID. That all means PHP scripts on your server must be allowed to copy, rename and move the binary files, also to create the files with the ".php" extension, and most likely to create subfolders where all uploaded files will be stored. Sometimes it could be disabled if PHP is compiled to run in Safe Mode.

Picture manipulation requires GD library compiled with PHP. Most preferrably it should have a version 2.x. Alternatively, the add-on may work with ImageMagick, providing the improved quality for pictures.

Live Demo

Touch it before you buy! This plugin is available to test in action on miniBB Demo Forums. Since only registered users are allowed to attach files, first login with credentials provided on the starting demo page, or create your own account. You will be able to upload files under "Everything" forum, creating a new topic or posting a new reply. Make sure to read file attachment rules before! You can't upload larger size files than it's allowed.

Get it NOW!

After buying this add-on, you will get a Lifetime license with the possibility to upgrade this add-on for 10 times in the future, if releases the newest versions or patches. It doesn't mean only 10 downloads: you may skip a few releases, and download only something seems to be final. This is a unique offer, and it actually means, you pay once, but get something until it lasts. There are no hidden fees, no monthly fees, no annual fees. You get the editable open source code and are allowed to modify any part of it. However you are not allowed to distribute your copy of the add-on in any way, except using it on your own forums or your own website. Avoiding distribution is in your very own interests; read more why.

Click the link below and get this add-on!

File Upload / Image galleries add-on for miniBB - BUY NOW! (US $5)

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