Danny2000The question here is not about why pages are not indexed by Google. The whole miniBB website is
perfectly indexed even without Google maps. Yes there is only about 2,000 pages indexed, but truly this is all we have for miniBB. We have our forums and content very clean and enough. I am also sure miniBB-based forums are indexed perfectly for anybody else using it. There can't more simpler HTML markup and a clean code. It should be indexed by any search engine very well.
The question here is
why miniBB forums topic is listed when you type "
hard porn for free" in Ukrainian. I am not satisfied with such kind of search result, because our project is not related to porn at all, there are no keywords related, nowhere, no content, and specially in this thread which comes up. It's the same like your adult forums would be found by the keyword "
car washing", people looking for car washing techniques are redirected to the adult site for some reason. In our case, even if you type "miniBB" in Google now - what else could be related to miniBB, except the website hosted on the top premium domain
www.minibb.com, which is full of content about miniBB, techniques, downloads??? But this site is mentioned somewhere on the 5-7th page...
I think this is NOT right definitely. I would wonder how Coca-Cola would claim Google, if you type "Coca Cola" and then the company's site is not appearing as the first in search results. But instead, they analyze logs and see that people are coming to their website searching for sex, drugs, rock'n'roll... it would be a madness.
I rather doubt that website owners should worry about Google techniques at all. It's a major company and
IT should worry about the quality of their database, not us. Why this all perfectly works for Yahoo and MSN? This Google-mania tired me a lot.
There are so much people actually working for Google for free! And they do not understand it. They do not understand that the money they receive from Google ads, can't be called a profit comparing to what Google earns on them. In comparison it's a milk money. And all these techniques, strategies, SEO guides... don't you understand that you are helping the major company to be even more large, even more rich?.. You can't win the casino if you start playing there...
As I said, we can perfectly live without Google, because traffic is not lost this days, but only increased. It all is because we didn't care about Google techniques initially. I recommend to do the same for everybody else - forget about lame science and promote your website on related directories, forums, catalogs... It brings more efforts else sitting day and night and calculating your Page Rank.
You can do whatever you want with Google maps (and for sure you are welcome to submit your codes and solution for other users which might be interested in it), but I think I personally won't even spend a second to look into this. I have more important and interesting things to do, thus much more profitable.