At June 19th, the Latvian Government officially proposed the acclaimed
"Preambula" of the Constitution. The most of the controversial points in the history of Governments I saw, supposes that
"Everyone takes care of itself".
I always thought the "State" means when I must be sure to be protected from the idiots, and this is done by my Country. I was sure the Government means a Power which could help me to survive when I'm sick. I've supposed the State will educate my children to the approximate level, and will not antagonize them to my own. And when I'm old, I was sure the Law would take care of me.
Now I could forget about this all. This is shit. And I suppose, it could be not not just scam in Latvia. Checking events around, I suppose the World is coming to some breaking point.
After seeing how my mother was dying, and how she was "carried of", and finally, knowing she has been autopsied despite EVERYONE in my family was being against of it, I now read in Preambula that
"The identity of Latvia in the European cultural space is formed from the Latvian and Liv traditions and life wisdom, human and Christian values.""Liv traditions"?.. WTF?.. I never seen live or liver Livs on this territory in my life. June was a month to shock me with this official, Government-top level document. First of all, it is controversial to the rules of the Cabinet of Ministers the official gov. workers always refer to. 'Cause it doesn't take the "Christian values" on board at all. Second... I was astonished how a group of just 69 persons whom I never elected and don't even know who they are, took a low against me and my family, which was residing in Latvia for more than 300 years.
Heil, mein Führer!
So... Should you know that miniBB project is inspired by almost the same Nazi-principles?.. Probably, it is. It means the totalitarism in moderation, supposing the forum could belong to just one person which sets the rules and cuts off the undesired opinions with no trace. It means keeping an eye on the forum all the time, with a multiple different approaches. Owning miniBB means you owe the Total Control on what the users post.
And just a few extra options or mods, you could completely hide it or surround it from the official laws.
And of course, it means each miniBB forums comes on itself, in its unique form, and it must be kept on its own, because noone from our team could suggest a lifetime support. Noone lives for a lifetime. So, everyone takes care of itself.
Sieg heil!
On one hand, it's a great principle when it comes to the Open Source Free Forum. On another hand, I couldn't imagine how it all could work for a State. Latvia now proposes there is
"Latvian language as the only state language". It's not about PHP/mySQL language, which work worldwide. A bit of different story.
I'm living in the country of unique contradictions. Latvia is always present in TOP10 worldwide rating of countries with
the fastest Internet connection (only South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Switzerland and Netherlands have it even quicker); however in the recent 25 years of political independence this country "lost" about half million of citizens, and now not it's not completely clear, who would use the fastest Internet in the world, if there are less than 2 millions of inhabitants left, in total.
The Constitution of Latvia claims it as the "Democratic" country, despite of it, around 250,000 of people living here are called
"aliens", they do not have the citizens passport,
do not have the rights to vote or being elected;
the status of non-citizen in both Latvia and Estonia is unique and has not existed previously in international law... The 100th article of the Latvian Constitution claims that
"Everyone has the right to freedom of speech, which includes the right to freely acquire, hold and distribute information and to express his/her own opinions; censorship is prohibited" - despite of it, the Latvian government
officially prohibited the broadcast channels coming from Russia, such as RTR TV.
The unemployment rate in Latvia grows gradually and now it is about 12% in official numbers and about 20% IRL; despite of it, Latvia doesn't accept foreign workers easily, because even the room cleaner should have the Certification of Knowledge of the
Latvian Language.
If you owe a car, you would never ever ride the Latvian roads, because they would kill the car in about 50 km, specially if the road runs closer to borders; despite of it, the Roads Tax increased in 4 years for about 400%, there were introduced fuel tax, the Car tax, and each year, these taxes only grow up.
There is huge amount of other taxes, including the salary and the social tax, which are about 35% from the income; despite of it, half of workers do their jobs for less than 300 EUR per month, but
food and meals prices are bigger than in France or Germany because of the huge 21% applied tax. I'm not sure how they survive. Probably,
shagging the tax system.
Finally, Latvia claims it is an "independant" country, but it's not quite clear from what: it joined NATO, so it doesn't have to hold its own army now; it joined EU and swapped the national currency to Euros, so now it doesn't have its own economics anymore; Latvian debt is about 8,000,000,000 Euros: with no doubt, it couldn't be ever paid off, and it just grows each day.
Despite of it, there's quite a good feeling of being alive in this country. Or may be just feeling alive at any place...
That's a happiness.
June turned me into a bit another person: I've got the physical damage of the back and legs while transferring 20-30 kg big boxes from the 5th floor down and then getting 'em up to the 3rd floor, 'cause I'm going to change my place of residence soon. I've swapped about four T-shirts, but only about in a week I've started to feel something is wrong with my body. In the next couple of days, I was knocked off for two weeks. Obviously, "36" is not the age like "20" or even "26". Worst thing is to feel how a body is getting older...
So, I've spent most of the month lying in bed watching the skies, taking salt baths and continuing to work out the ELVIS project a bit, and leaving all other business to side...

Additionally to that, I was wondering what kind of methods Latvian meteo services use to make forecasts. I suppose, they toss up the coin or
hire the cat; in the beginning of June I've read they promised "an abnormal heat for the whole month"; in result, we've got something similar to "heat" in the beginning of the Month, and all other 25 days full of raining and cold, like it would be be an autumn outside.
I was also wondering if the
War in Ukraine would be stopped this year, or they will fight until the end like in Kosovo, destroying the rich country completely and splitting it into parts. The new Muppet President of Ukraine promised to stop the violence; however it has grown into something even bigger and heavy: now the Ukrainian "army" is killing journalists and reporters, but mr. Poroshenko got the new nickname -
"Potroshenko" (a words game meaning "Jack The Ripper" in Ukrainian).

An Italian journalist
Andrea Rockelli and his interpreter
Andrei Mironov were killed near Ukranian Slavyansk earlier this year's May's 25th. They were the first. RIP.

The Italian foreign Ministry considers it necessary that the investigation into the death under the Slavic Italian photographer Andrea Rockelli and hopes to receive from the Ukrainian side the answer is, who is responsible for his death. Kiev has opened an investigation and "progress", said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Italy's Federica Mogherini.
Next... I never thought the sound engineer profession could be dangerous; I've got a Bachelor's degree on this subject and know it quite well to claim it could NOT be killing... I suppose, mr.
Anton Voloshin, the sound operator from RTR TV didn't knew some way outs and appeared in the wrong place and time. He was just 27 years old. RIP.

Anton worked with his colleague, mr.
Igor Kornelyuk, who was just a few months older than me and by coincidence, was born on 9th May - the "Victory Day", which ended for him near the Lugansk at June 17th. RIP.

The "Cameraman" mr.
Anatoly Klyan was 68 years old and truly obsessed by his profession. He's got the bullet in his stomach near Donetsk, and even while dying, he last mentioned the word "camera" as the stuff he's filmed, it was more important to him than his life, obviously. The US TV owners would never see the ceremony on the Russian 1TV channel, which hired this worker. It was a glorious one, Klyan became a legend after his
death; despite it was a legend even while staying alive.

The 1TV (ORT) appears to be truly #1 in Russia; I was mentioning his director and producer, Konstantin Ernst, in
February; Ernst and his company played the most significant role in making the TV Show for Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Obviously, Kiev didn't count the influence of this channel to the worldwide media, and the fact that the information about the operator's murder could break down the barriers. Right after this murder, European institutions started to feel alive...

That's all but not final about it. The progress has been started. Noone says when it will end.
RIP them all, the
information soldiers.
While watching all these news, I've started to understand, why Latvian goverment prohibited the RTR channel, and why Ukrainian government hidden the facts of killing the journalists from this channel. Obviously, because this channel gave some portions of information, which was
very uncomfortable for EU and US. And Latvian institutions is the closest partner of US and EU these days.
Before the death of these persons, there was a huge amount of news coming in, regarding reporters from the other Russian channels - LifeNews, RenTV, Mir24 a.o. They were captured, tortured, injured, raped and whatever... I was wondering why these infos do not come to Euronews or other European channels. If such things would happen with UK or German journalists in Egypt or Syria, the world would know about them immediately, the worldwide society would blame the violence on the
freedom of speech...
Now it appears, the Freedom of speech could be quite limited and silent. Specially, in 21th century. Still, it would be called "Democracy".

The only end of June broke some wall, when it became obvious that Ukrainian
forces gone too far. But not so far, as anyone could expect... this immediately continued in the story of
It's the tough moment when a person watches news instead of good movies, because they are much more exciting and interesting. I was in the similar story this month, while trying to recover from traumas. I was feeling like the Death is following the path near me, because most recently I've experienced the most meaningful death of a person on my life i.e. my mother; but it seemed like events around would provide even more deaths to follow...
The most traditional celebration in Latvia is to meet the
summer solstice (Midsummer) while drinking lots of beer, eating lots of
Shashlik (both beer and shashlik are considered the "national" food for some reason) and going swimming naked in the midnight. I rather didn't get an idea why I would do something like this exactly between the June 23th and 24th; thus this year, as usually, the upcoming Friday and the forthcoming Monday were all the national holidays claimed by the government, so anyone could choose whatever day to be drunk off.
But my celebration was quite a modest one. My room's partner was:

I've used the old tableware and the
purveyance from the stock I still have on the old apartment to support life in it; exception was a truly good can of German beer I've got by discount in the local shop:

I'd suppose you would never know
what's in the bowl :) This how actually a regular minimalist coder could celebrate some event. It's Enough.
As we see, Jaime's calendar is mostly about the same date.
Siebenschlaefertag is about the June 27th, which is the
Seven Sleepers Day.
The weather on that day is supposed to determine the average weather of the next seven weeks, says Wikipedia, and that's exactly proposed on this calender as the German saying.
I'm not sure what kind of weather Jaime experienced this year on this date... but I'm quite sure the cows on the footage felt quite well and gave lots of portions of fresh milk to survive at this wars-free-corner of peace!.. :)