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Displaying Google AdSense

Author miniBBuser
#1 | Posted: 24 Jul 2007 00:41 
I have read the topics on Google AdSense and also have downloaded the AdSense code. It is working well. Here is the issue:

A website can display upto three Google advertisements on the webpage. The code helps me to display one ad after the first post. How can we make a website display (a) Ad after first post (b) Ad after 3rd post, if there is no post the ad will not display and (c) Ad after the last post, if there is only one post the ad will not display becasue it is already displayed as in (a).

Can you please help me? Thanks in advance.

Code from forum:

function parseMessage(){

//Use $GLOBALS['anchor'] for determining the anchor value

if ($GLOBALS['anchor']==1 or $GLOBALS['anchor']==9){

//You Adsense generated code here
$GLOBALS['adsense'] = <<<out

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;
google_ad_format = "468x60_as";
google_ad_type = "text_image";
google_ad_channel ="";
google_color_border = "E9EFF4";
google_color_bg = "E9EFF4";
google_color_link = "006699";
google_color_text = "000000";
google_color_url = "006699";
<script type="text/javascript"




Author Prince
#2 | Posted: 20 Aug 2010 15:28 
How can I use other ads like that in between posts?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 | Posted: 21 Aug 2010 15:24 
Honestly saying, I don't understand what these requests are about. Too badly explained.

Author Prince
#4 | Posted: 22 Aug 2010 15:19 
For example in this topic (Minibb Demo)

In post number (#1)

you can see google ads..

and in other post there is no ads..

and you can see ads on post (#9)

so I meant that.. how about other ads company to make like this same as minibb demo.. not in everyposts...

Author tom322
Active Member
#5 | Posted: 22 Aug 2010 19:59 
Here it is: Adsense Support

Author freebird
#6 | Posted: 24 Aug 2010 23:17 
Google AdSense is a free program that empowers online publishers to earn revenue by displaying relevant ads on a wide variety of online content.

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 Displaying Google AdSense
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