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PHP to HTML, Search Engine Friendly mod_rewrite HELP!! .php -> .html

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Author gariben
#1 · Posted: 10 Jun 2005 18:08
I uploaded created a file called ".htaccess" and uploaded to the forum folder.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_([-0-9]+)\.html$ ./index.php?action=vthread&forum=$1&topic=$2&page=$3
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)_([-0-9]+)\.html$ ./index.php?action=vtopic&forum=$1&page=$2
RewriteRule ^user([0-9]+)\.html$ ./index.php?action=userinfo&user=$1

Still it is still appearing as .php

I have a dedicated server and some domains already have mod_rewrite working so..I'm probably sure it's not server related.

Any help is greatly appreciated


Author Team
#2 · Posted: 10 Jun 2005 18:18

set this is setup_options.php

Author calcutta
#3 · Posted: 3 Feb 2006 05:02
Hello MiniBB,

Kindly help me so that I can enable mod_rewrite into my forum.

Whenever I remove the // from $mod_rewrite in setup_options.php
it stops working.

It generates a URL myforum/advice1/1_0.html
but when someone clicks on it it shows "page not found".

Please please help me to fix this.

Author lime
#4 · Posted: 3 Feb 2006 05:04
You also need to make a .htaccess file in your forums folder and put this text in it:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^index.html$ ./index.php?mdrw=on
RewriteRule ^manual.html$ ./index.php?action=manual&mdrw=on
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_([-0-9]+).html$ ./index.php?action=vthread&forum=$1&topic=$2&page=$3&mdrw=on
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)_([-0-9]+).html$ ./index.php?action=vtopic&forum=$1&page=$2&mdrw=on

For more details see the manual

Author calcutta
#5 · Posted: 3 Feb 2006 06:19
Sir, I have already tried to do so. It is not working at all.

Do I need to place the .htaccess in the folder where I have installed the forum or should I place it into the root folder?

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#6 · Posted: 3 Feb 2006 08:26
According to the miniBB Manual, you will need to pop the .htaccess into the forum's root directory, not the web root.
All the best -

Author Team
#7 · Posted: 3 Feb 2006 08:33
In general, you need to be sure mod_rewrite is enabled on your server. It's server built-in, and miniBB of course won't work if this module is not turned on in Apache, or some way limited for a virtual hosting.

But don't give us questions like "how can I enable it on my server"... we are miniBB support, not Apache support.

As you might see on our own forums, mod_rewrite IS functioning, so the problem is on your side.

Author calcutta
#8 · Posted: 3 Feb 2006 11:52
Sir, mod_rewrite is enabled and I have seen it in phpinfo -
. The mysterious things is that despite of mod_rewrite being enabled it is not working. any clue please?

Author Team
#9 · Posted: 6 Feb 2006 08:03
Ask your provider.

Author ezkim0x
#10 · Posted: 17 Jul 2006 14:59
I recently changed hosts.. and reinstalled everything, but I can't get mod_rewrite to work again.

I have wordpress installed as well, last time I had to put the mod_rewrite info in the same htaccess file as my wordpress, for it to work correctly.. I think it may just be something with my wordpress that is messing it up, but not positive.

one thing that's different about my new host is the mysqlhost isn't "localhost".. I have the correct hostname put in the setup_options.php though.

anyways do you know how to fix my problem?

you can see the forums here:

folders are: (main folder where wordpress is & htaccess file) (minibb main folder)


# BEGIN WordPress

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# END WordPress

# BEGIN minibb

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^index\.html$ ./index.php?mdrw=on
RewriteRule ^manual\.html$ ./index.php?action=manual&mdrw=on
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_([-0-9]+)\.html$ ./index.php?action=vthread&forum=$1&topic=$2&page=$3&mdrw=on
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)_([-0-9]+)\.html$ ./index.php?action=vtopic&forum=$1&page=$2&mdrw=on

# END minibb

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 17 Jul 2006 15:13
That's definitely a question you may ask your provider, not us.

Author ezkim0x
#12 · Posted: 18 Jul 2006 03:55

Author Anonymous
#13 · Posted: 6 Nov 2006 18:56
I notice the links on this forum work, but on mine the links have a different structure.

The # links here show as:


The # links on my forum show as:


How can I fix this?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#14 · Posted: 7 Nov 2006 03:40
I guess, you have not enabled mod_rewrite mode.

Author Anonymous
#15 · Posted: 7 Nov 2006 09:51
hmm, i enabled it but it loads pages that cant be shown. i get "page not found" error from my hosting. is there some other setting i need to check to make sure the page urls are set up properly?

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 PHP to HTML, Search Engine Friendly mod_rewrite HELP!! .php -> .html
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