If you are using GoDaddy hosting, their servers have Windows IIS. In that case, miniBB can not work, because PHP's function fread is not correctly executed on Windows. Another words, miniBB function makeUp (in bb_functions.php) will not work.
What do you need to do on Windows:
1) Edit bb_functions.php and find the function makeUp 2) Find this piece of code:
$fd=fopen ($addDir."{$name}.{$ext}", 'rb'); $tpl=fread ($fd, filesize ($addDir."{$name}.{$ext}")); fclose($fd);
(where template is read from HDD to memory via fread)
and replace it to:
So your function will look like:
function makeUp($name,$addDir='') { if($addDir=='') $addDir=$GLOBALS['pathToFiles'].'templates/'; if (substr($name,0,5)=='email') $ext='txt'; else $ext='html'; if (file_exists($addDir."{$name}.{$ext}")) { $tpl=file_get_contents($addDir."{$name}.{$ext}"); return $tpl; } else die ("TEMPLATE NOT FOUND: $name"); }
This is 100% tested and works on GoDaddy server. |