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Minibb 2.2a XSS Vulnerability

Author GAMeovER
#1 | Posted: 2 May 2008 15:27
Description: miniBB is a bulletin board application. The application is exposed to a cross-site scripting issue because it fails to sanitize user-supplied input to the "whatus" parameter of the "bb_admin" script. miniBB version 2.2a is affected.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 3 May 2008 07:37
This issue won't work because

1) admin's script won't pass you to the area until you sign-in as admin (except of course you as admin will hack your forum - but why you should do this :)

2) admin's script should be renamed for security reasons and it's not always named as bb_admin.php.

Anyway we will take it into attention and fix it in the next release when we are ready to go. Thanks.

Bugs miniBB Support Forums / Bugs /
 Minibb 2.2a XSS Vulnerability
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