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reading minibb variables in custom php header / footer

Author Avenir
#1 · Posted: 5 Jan 2005 07:24
My problem is that when I try to call a variable like {$title} in my header, the variable's value isn't displayed, but instead just the variable itself. I have my header in the templates directory, if that makes any difference, but I don't know why the variable isn't working properly.

Also, when I copied the miniBB copyright statement into my own footer, the variables in that stopped working as well. I don't have the footer file in my templates directory, if that makes a difference.

What's going on?

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 5 Jan 2005 10:07
Probably, if you are using your own header and footer, you also need to handle/parse these variables properly. We are using ParseTpl() function for parsing the template, and makeUp() function for loading the content of the template.

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 6 Jan 2005 12:00
I want to share this for you guys, i also faced the same situation, this is that i have done

In your header.php, instead of

{$l_menu[0]}{$l_menu[7]}{$l_menu[3]}{$l_menu[2]}{$l_menu[1]}{$l_menu[4 ]}{$l_menu[5]}{$l_menu[6]}{$l_sepr}

You put

<span id="bbforummenu"></span>

In your footer.php, at the end, before class tag </body>, put this code

<script language="javascript1.2">
var str = '<?php echo $l_menu[0].$l_menu[7].$l_menu[3].$l_menu[2].$l_menu[1].$l_menu[4].$l_m enu[5].$l_menu[6].$l_sepr; ?>';


Those variables only load after the main forum page loaded, before footer.php is called. It's just a javascript, its job is to put back the text to the span id bbforummenu

Author Billy Stardust
#4 · Posted: 19 Feb 2006 11:37
you also need to handle/parse these variables properly.

Please elaborate. What's the best way to handle and parse variables?

Author Billy Stardust
#5 · Posted: 19 Feb 2006 11:38
Great piece of software by the way! :)

Author Team
#6 · Posted: 20 Feb 2006 10:13
Please elaborate. What's the best way to handle and parse variables
we mean by that - if you have your own header and footer, our template variables like {$title} or many others, will not work there, until you handle your header/footer files with our functions like ParseTpl() or makeUp().

Author Anonymous
#7 · Posted: 25 Apr 2006 20:23
Hi there,

love your product and it's possibilites to integrate it in an exisiting site.

I've looked through the manual and searched the forum, but can't find a clear answer on the following question:

Is it possible (and what would be best practice) to call some of the minibb php variables (such as $title, $l_meta, $l_menu, ... in my custom (php) header ?



Author Team
#8 · Posted: 26 Apr 2006 08:03
Pay attention at $includeHeader setting in setup_options.php - you can use any PHP file as your header and produce whatever you want there.

Author Anonymous
#9 · Posted: 26 Apr 2006 11:11
Yep, I found that, I'm using a custom header and footer with php code. My question is if I can access the minibb variables that are used in the default header (main_header.html), su as $metaRobots, ... in my custom php header.



Author Anonymous
#10 · Posted: 26 Apr 2006 11:15
Found it myself :-). Declaring $title, $metaRobots, ... as global in your custom header does the trick.


Author Team
#11 · Posted: 26 Apr 2006 11:54
Ok, good. You may also use $GLOBALS array (instead of {$title} there could be $GLOBALS['title'] etc).

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 reading minibb variables in custom php header / footer
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