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WAP version of miniBB forums for mobile phone?

Author Mars
#1 · Posted: 21 Jul 2003 09:50
Is it possible to make a WAP-version of MBB?

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 21 Jul 2003 10:53
It is possible if you will pay us all WAP-transfer fees ;)

Author 4days
#3 · Posted: 21 Jul 2003 11:32
if you edit the templates (and a few bits in the code) then you can produce XML output instead of HTML - then parse it out to WML.

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 21 Jul 2003 12:14
Despite of this, logging procedures are different, I guess.

Author Lada
#5 · Posted: 2 Feb 2008 06:15
Will sometime MiniBB on MDA version, mini version on smartfone, PDA...?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 4 Feb 2008 04:19
I don't know what could be the difference for PDA version. I know many miniBB forums are running on PDA with no problem. It's only the question of your mobile browser - if it supports XHTML, what else specific there should be...

Author shadowking
#7 · Posted: 16 Dec 2009 02:33
Well i want to know weather the minibb can work with some symbian phones opera or opera mini.
I mean any theme or some version with reduced or no javascript and pure html and fast loading script.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 16 Dec 2009 03:10
The current version of miniBB uses some basic JavaScript functions to improve user interface. For example, there are BB code buttons, Quoting mechanism, alerts on Deletion messages and other kind of alerts, Pop-ups and other basic stuff.

I think if you are the medium coder, you could try to remove JavaScript codes yourself, because miniBB could definitely work without it. At the moment we don't have such version, since we don't have tools to test it and resources to develop it.

But I think, if you're using Opera, miniBB should perfectly work with it. I guess even in the minimized version, Opera should support basic JavaScript. As far as I know, miniBB works perfectly on many mobile phones without additional tweaks, because it doesn't contain AJAX or other heavy codes. Those basic JavaScript functions should be already supported by many mobile devices. Else the technology couldn't be called a progress ;-)

Author Nalinith
#9 · Posted: 16 Jan 2010 16:33
When I get the chance I'm going to work on something to check the browser identification and create a style sheet that will be browser friendly and would look similar to this. I know I may need some help on some things, but I'm sure for most of it I can figure it out using google and other resources. Once I'm done I'll create a post with the code and let those edit/make it better. :)

It will give me something to do during my down time. ;)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 18 Jan 2010 02:35
For achieving this, you just need to edit templates and CSS. We still don't want to spend a lot of time on it, because we're not sure when we won't add new things to miniBB anymore. Because adding new things means older things need updates, too, and they won't be always compatible ;-) But we really don't have time for now to keep so many updates, thus most of the mobile phones, I'm sure, soon will have embedded browsers, and these "wap-versions" will die themselves. Even for now they are only for crazy fans. I can't imagine browsing on the phone which doesn't contain a regular keyboard or at least its emulation, and which contains plain-text-only browser. Technologies are moving so fast that it's not always profitable to support something certain from them.

Author Nalinith
#11 · Posted: 24 Jan 2010 22:47
Well to be completely honest with you miniBB works great on my BlackBerry 8530, which has a 320x240 resolution screen. I haven't run into any problems. However, I know as far as heavy browsing, websites that have been formatted for a smaller resolution (at least like the BB Tour's 480x320) make it a lot easier to get to where your going.

(.mobi is the next big thing, and yes I know it's really a long shot but they say by 2020 the web will be mostly mobile, look @ xbox live. They are expanding to mobile devices, lmao)

anyways, this will be my little project when I get bored. I'll be working on it off and on, maybe something will come out of it. :P So far I simply just put in a few lines of code to detect most mobile browsers and direct to my mobile site.)

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 WAP version of miniBB forums for mobile phone?
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