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miniBB Community Forum: Posting Rules

Author Team
#1 · Posted: 20 May 2003 09:57
We have the following rules, applied to all of new messages on our forums. If your posting on forums is not compliant with these rules, miniBB team may ignore it, or remove without explanation.

Allowed is everything which fits the crossing line.

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 9 Nov 2006 03:27
miniBB software works. It's proven for years and this software is being run on different domains by its authors. It may contain little bugs and miss some very specific things. But all the included default stuff works.

Taking a free software and trying to install yourself means, you are qualified enough to do that. Only the right configuration, and/or developing/coding skills matter. Taking more level of customization means you know what you do. And miniBB developers are in no response for something which is stated out of the COPYING license file you get among the package.

If you are unable to set up or customize miniBB with your own powers, order this service from us directly.

Author Team
#3 · Posted: 9 Nov 2006 03:27
Make sure your question is useful and interesting to others. If your question is related to the specific problem of your own site/project, and it contains the words "my, mine, my own, how do I, I want" in its title or message, it is called "specific". We are providing only basic help about specific modifications, if it doesn't exceed our regular response time. Overall, we are providing only paid support on any kind of custom work. That means, if you give questions related to:

- CSS and layout of your site
- forums integration into your site
- add-ons not working on your site (despite they all are working on minibb compiled testing forums if you repeat your problem there)
- other specific questions related only to your site or project

then posting such question to public means you violate the rule.

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 9 Nov 2006 03:27
Make sure your posting about the error or bug is NOT specific. If you can not repeat your error on our forums, or full demo test forums, it may appear so.

If you sure there is a mistake in our code, point us to the point of solution of that mistake, or to the steps of repeating the same mistake. Just saying like «this code is not working» couldn't be considered serious on our board, and may be deleted without further investigation.

As our practice shows, 90% of all errors and questions like «why it's not working» come because of a stupid mistake as it is called by some people after discovering the reason.

«Released under Open Source License» here means our free solutions and packages come for free for those who know what to do with them. It doesn't mean we provide everything around it for free.

Please, do not steal miniBB's team and programmers bread, and do not ask other coders to implement custom solutions for you for free. It's very impolite to do on our board.

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 9 Nov 2006 03:29
Don't ask about what's already answered. Before posting any message and/or creating new topic about some feature of miniBB, read our manual. It describes almost everything you could know about miniBB. Search our forums — if you repeat the question, it will be deleted without notice.

For example, questions like:

How to make forums for registered users only
Login troubles to admin panel
Warning: Cannot modify header information — headers already sent by ... etc.

are discussed dozen times. If you still experience a problem, and it's not described in the topics already posted, do not create a new related topic, but post your question in the older subjectively related topic.

Author Team
#6 · Posted: 9 Nov 2006 03:29
Respect other people, and discuss the problems in the language the wide crowd may understand. This rule affects both the language you use, and the level of your writing skills.

We require that all messages here must be written in English, and they should look clean & understood. An exception is the Russian forum, where it's allowed to describe the problem/question and get a support in this language.

We may consider to analyze and reply your question in the language other than English, only if we find it important.

Author Team
#7 · Posted: 9 Nov 2006 03:30
Create the message, which may be comfortably read by everybody in a quick time. Your single message should fit the screen.

Do not post the wide code listings or large messages, even if they give extra detailed explanation about your problem. If it takes more than a minute to read your message, consider to receive the slow feedback.

Author Team
#8 · Posted: 9 Nov 2006 03:31
Describing a problem/error/bug, be as more precise as you can, and make sure what it is about. Before the problem could be solved, specify what exactly it is. A precisely formed question is the half of an answer.

Specify the browser, operational system, server, PHP/mySQL version and other technical information needed; step-by-step instructions to repeat the problem. If it's possible for you to create a screenshot, use our forums' File Storage for saving it there, and providing link to it in your message. Providing an exact URL to your project, where we can investigate the error, will help miniBB team a lot.

Author Team
#9 · Posted: 9 Nov 2006 03:31
Creating a New Topic, specify the very precise and descriptive topic title. Generic unmeaningful titles like «Please help me», «I need help», «Help me ASAP», «Some questions» may be ignored, or even deleted without investigation.

Author Team
#10 · Posted: 9 Nov 2006 03:32
Create the message, which corresponds to the topic's subject. If the topic is about subject A, but your message is about subject B, it may be removed without reply and even without moving to the related topic.

Author Team
#11 · Posted: 9 Nov 2006 03:34
Be Helpful.

If you have posted a question, but found an answer earlier than getting a reply, please provide a quick solution to your problem. That will give all other users an idea what happened. When asking for help, be ready to provide it back.

If you don't know, how to find where to edit piece of code, read our related quide on how you can locate the necessary file.

If you still feel you need an urgent help regarding your specific question, please post it under our Specific forum.

Author asianwondergirl
#12 · Posted: 12 Aug 2014 16:31
can i post dating website url here?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#13 · Posted: 12 Aug 2014 23:27
can i post dating website url here?
Noone actually cares about your dating website here, so despite, using some tricks, you could still break up the rule and post it, but in all cases either it will be immediately removed (with no warning or explanation), either - the worst case - moved to the Spam & Flood thread to be kept forever and not please your customers eyes at all.

My advice: do not even try this.

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 miniBB Community Forum: Posting Rules
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