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2008 cents greeting from

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 4 Jan 2008 10:04
Greeting to everybody in Rat's 2008 and with the best wishes for the Happy and Healthy new year from miniBB team!

As one of my customer's replied me on December 28th when I actually was turned 30, "I wondered that you haven't got a couple of days for Christmas and New Year vacation. Give yourself a little relax!" - and it was a definite true. I've been forced to spend some time working online even until the New Year's night, and finally after that I've fallen into 5 days of the total off line, enjoying the sluts club where taking cocaine and playing my old good rock'n'roll guitar. A joke.

I didn't even have enough time to write NY Greeting because I didn't noticed how the year changed and what actually changed in my life. Seems it was nothing. The same, initially I've had nothing in mind to wish you all. That's why I turned up to do this only now.

What does it mean actually - a new year's wish which we all are sharing to each other?.. Previously they were greeting cards sent by regular post; later they were simple virtual cards send by regular email. Now everybody appears so busy that keeping a tradition it becomes normal to copy and paste lines of New Year lyrics from some web page to massively send it via SMS or web service to all friends and enemies at once. I have received such SMSes from the people whom I even didn't meet in the past 2 years. That way I knew they are still alive. What a nice move from their side.

It's not the thing I love and do and since miniBB is a unique branded project, I would better to spend hour of my constantly missing time and write all this. So now you are reading a greeting $20 worth. Yes - each of you which reads this receives $20 of my time, and spends couple of bucks of your own time probably.

I have thought first that I would wish each of you to become a millionaire. Have you ever imagined how much money is there on Earth? I've searched Google regarding this subject and of course didn't find the proper answer. Because nobody knows it, but I am more than sure that if we split the whole money by each person, YOU will receive even more than a million dollars. It's a simple math: considering there is about 6,6 milliards of people on Earth, i.e. 6,602,224,175 (est. by July 2007), just multiply this on 1,000,000 and you get 6,602,224,175,000,000, ok let's say it is 7,000,000,000,000,000. Does anybody of you even know how this number is called? If you check the famous Wikipedia, even it doesn't give you the precise answer; I suppose it is nearly to the thousand trillions only or maybe it is even just ONE trillion. Anyway: I am sure the US government has more than one trillion in debt, not counting other more than a hundred governments... So it is more than possible in theory: you as millionaire.

However... I am not sure it would be a good wish to you to become a mortgage millionaire. And overall, it appears not clear what does it mean to be a millionaire nowadays? What does it mean million of money? What does it mean - money, in general? Continuing my investigation I have found this video and discovered money nowadays is the only borrower's promise to pay and they are created from dept. Most probably it's not a secret for most of you and the video could look like a childish one at the beginning; however as long as you watch it as more you will understand why I have referenced to it. It has its value.

Because whatever you have on your bank account watching some digits online, or on your PayPal account - it's not the money. It's only your imagination. You THINK you owe it, but it's not true, because your financial freedom is already borrowed by somebody else.

So I wish you all not just to have a lot of money, but to to produce and receive the VALUABLE things. The things you can see and touch and smell and give to each other like they would be subjects of the high interest. You would be wondered of such a wish because miniBB is not a tangible product and can't be touched, so my greeting is not compatible with any of the business rules. However I am not afraid of it because I'm always valuing my words and the things I'm doing and I think miniBB is a very valuable offering. And I am suspecting because of the sick US economics and not even better situation in EU the World will change its old values to something new soon. It may be this year or next year, but it's going to happen. I wish you to survive in this over punched boat called Banking.

And something more... Have a nice food and your miniBB-based community growing ;-) Cheers!

miniBB greeting card 2008

Only for you - an exclusive New Year 2008 card available for miniBB customers only. Displayed is my family's Christmas tree with the mouse holding the dollars bag. You don't need to pay to receive this greeting card; miniBB will stay free next year as well.

Author michael1234
#2 · Posted: 6 Jan 2008 16:24
Thank you Paul. All the best from one of your most supporting customers!


Author tom322
Active Member
#3 · Posted: 6 Jan 2008 22:57
I was carefully watching the video - very interesting indeed.. If more people understood how we all are manipulated by banks, governments, etc.. You have important points about getting and receiving valuable things (other than money - either in the form of a banknotes or gold). Let's hope the Rat year is good one.

Author Vishal
#4 · Posted: 6 Jan 2008 23:25
So I wish you all not just to have a lot of money, but to to produce and receive the VALUABLE things. The things you can see and touch and smell and give to each other like they would be subjects of the high interest.

Very true Paul. Technology is good but the current so-called development and technology have gobbled up our forests, devastated our planet and made us slaves rather than freeing us. No matter how much we advance, we will not be able to grow food in labs. We need land for that. If we contemplate, we will realize how powerless we are and how much we owe to mother earth and nature. Let's pray for wisdom to all.

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 2008 cents greeting from
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