Steve Shaw:
Large images just open in HUGE browser windows, with a LOT of white surround.
Could you make the screenshot of it? As I remember, something was coded that they should be scaled in proportion to the screen.
Steve Shaw:
Can you not use the same method as for 'Upload' files, where the images open in a new tab in the same browser window?
You could make it on your own, it's all customizable (just record this change in your notes so it's easy to restore in the case of upgrade). In
bb_plugins.php code, for
parseMessage function where it lists something like this:
$a1="<a href=\"{$a1_url}\" onclick=\"javascript:popUpFU({$post},{$if},'{$nameJs}',{$dataFile['image_width']},{$dataFile['image_height']},'{$altJs}',{$GLOBALS['topic']},'{$ext}'; ImgWin.focus(); return false;\" onmouseover=\"window.status='{$nameJs}';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status='';return true;\">";
you could just replace this code to:
$a1="<a href=\"{$a1_url}\" target=\"_blank\">";
I'm on the way of studying the synchronizing of this add-on with the Photoswipe library, so maybe in final it would give some better results...