Sorry, maybe my description is not so clear :-( Yes, I read the manual and $loginCase is uncomented and set to TRUE. Pleas consider this line in bb_func_login.pgg (line 82) db_simpleSelect(FALSE,$Tu,$dbUserSheme['username'][1].','.$dbUserSheme['user_password'][1],$caseComp1.$dbUserSheme['user name'][1].$caseComp2,'=',$user_usr,'',1) result is following query SELECT username, user_password FROM minibb_users WHERE lower(username)=user_usr So username stored in DB is converted to lower case, but user_usr is exactly what user entered to the form. When I enter 'Martin' to the form, then WHERE condition is martin=Martin and no match is found in DB.
Admin login works correctly becasuse is done different way if ($user_usr==$admin_usr OR (isset($loginsCase) and $loginsCase and strtolower($user_usr)==strtolower($admin_usr)) ) both sides are converted to lower
BTW: I registered to this forum and only username which work is exactly 'MartinH' (not martinh or MARTINH). Thank you for a reply and hope that I'm not totally wrong |