It appears this feature is so rare that nobody have noticed the bug earlier :-)
We will fix it in the upcoming release; until now you could try this: modify bb_func_pthread.php file and locate the code:
$sce=FALSE; if(isset($simpleCodes)) foreach($simpleCodes as $e) { if(substr_count($postText, $e)>0) { $sce=TRUE; break; } }
if( ($compareTL==0 or ($compareTL>0 and $compareTL<$post_text_minlength)) and !$sce) {
$errorMSG=$l_emptyPost; $correctErr=$backErrorLink;
$title.=$l_forbidden; $loginError=1;
echo load_header(); echo ParseTpl(makeUp('main_warning')); return;
if ($postText=='') {
//Insert user into email notifies if allowed
if (isset($emptySubscribe) and $emptySubscribe and $user_id!=0 and isset($_POST['CheckSendMail']) and emailCheckBox()!='' and substr(emailCheckBox(),0,8)!='<!--U-->') {
$ae=db_simpleSelect(0,$Ts,'count(*)','user_id','=',$user_id,'','','topic_id','=',$topic); $ae=$ae[0];
if($ae==0) { $topic_id=$topic; insertArray(array('user_id','topic_id'),$Ts); }
One of the block of this code should be moved below that way:
if ($postText=='') {
//Insert user into email notifies if allowed
if (isset($emptySubscribe) and $emptySubscribe and $user_id!=0 and isset($_POST['CheckSendMail']) and emailCheckBox()!='' and substr(emailCheckBox(),0,8)!='<!--U-->') {
$ae=db_simpleSelect(0,$Ts,'count(*)','user_id','=',$user_id,'','','topic_id','=',$topic); $ae=$ae[0];
if($ae==0) { $topic_id=$topic; insertArray(array('user_id','topic_id'),$Ts); }
$sce=FALSE; if(isset($simpleCodes)) foreach($simpleCodes as $e) { if(substr_count($postText, $e)>0) { $sce=TRUE; break; } }
if( ($compareTL==0 or ($compareTL>0 and $compareTL<$post_text_minlength)) and !$sce) {
$errorMSG=$l_emptyPost; $correctErr=$backErrorLink;
$title.=$l_forbidden; $loginError=1;
echo load_header(); echo ParseTpl(makeUp('main_warning')); return;
Try to fix it and let me know if it works... thanks.