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Error in Manual: $emailadmin vs. $emailadmposts

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#1 | Posted: 15 Oct 2013 05:34
G'day, Paul.

Below are respective definitions for the two variables, as found in the official miniBB manual:

$emailadmin=1; Email admin if new topics or replies are posted, also if new user is registered. 0 for no 1 for yes. Replies/topics emails are sent if admin is not the message poster.

$emailadmposts=0; It means that admin receives emails only about new user registration. If $emailadmposts is set to 1, admin also will receive notification about every new post. If it is not set, or is equal to 0, admin will not receive those emails, but will be able to subscribe to topics manually.
Is one variable dependent of the other? Does one overwrite the other? Or ... ?

Would you mind confirming whether I have understood the following possible configuration combinations:

Combination #1: admin is notified of new user registrations

Combination #2: same result as combination #1?

Combination #3: admin is notified of everything (i.e., any new registrations + any new posts)
Does this mean admin is subscribed to every thread by default?
New posts = all new posts except those made by admin.

Combination #4: ?

With thanks, and cheers -

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 15 Oct 2013 11:54
Obviously, two options were developed followed one after other to keep the compliance with the earlier releases, and something spare is left in Manual. I have fixed it now, thanks for this note.

Once to repeat:

- $emailadmin is only to get the notifications on the profile registration.
- $emailadmposts is only to get the notifications on the new messages/topics.

Variables do not overwrite each other, but are about two different options.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#3 | Posted: 15 Oct 2013 12:57
Ah, it all makes sense now--thanks, Paul, for the clarification!

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 Error in Manual: $emailadmin vs. $emailadmposts
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