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Error in the search module

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Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#1 | Posted: 5 Oct 2005 10:53
Team, something strange happens.

I have only one forum with different topics. Two of them are with poetry. The structure of the posts is:

Author (italic)

TITLE (bold)

Text Text Text (normal)
Text Text Text
Text Text Text

Now! I have a poet called "Богомил Райнов", that is posted as an author in the poetry (in italic), and is also discussed in the other topics with normal letters. The module finds only his name in the normal text and omits it in italic. And more. When I search with the option "Words or fragments", it gives me three results, but when I search with the option "Whole phrase", it gives me one result ??? :(((

And even more. I have a title in the text of the message, which definitely, absolutely, surely is there. But in bold. The search machine doesn't find it.

1. I suppose that the module somehow omits the text closed in some (or all?) BB Codes.

2. Why I have different results with the above mentioned two options, if the text I search is the same?


Author Team
#2 | Posted: 5 Oct 2005 14:31
1. - probably, yes, and we'll check it.
2. - when you search by whole phrase, it searched... actually, for the whole phrase. When searching by separated words, it looks up for every word. Example: by words - "code is poetry" - searched are "% code%", " %.code%", "<br>code%", then "% poetry%", " %.poetry%", "<br>poetry%", etc. By whole phrase - searched is only "% code is poetry%", "%.code is poetry%", "%<br>code is poetry%" i.e. exactly what you've typed.

where "%" is any part of the text. Hope you get the idea.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#3 | Posted: 5 Oct 2005 15:50
Yes, I see. So, it appears that point 2 is not an error: 1 for the first name, 1 for the family name, and 1 for both.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#4 | Posted: 9 Oct 2005 07:33
Additional impressions:

In some cases the search modile finds words closed in BB Code. What finds and what not. I have the same name: Богомил Райнов.

1. When I search "Райнов", i. e. when the word is like this: Райнов[/i] - the module finds it.
2. When I search "Богомил", i. e. when the word is like this: [i]Богомил - the module doesn't find it.
3. When I search "Богомил Райнов", the module doesn't find either of these two words, nevermind in what option - "Words or fragments" or "Whole phrase".

Author Team
#5 | Posted: 9 Oct 2005 18:05
Yes, it works like we already discussed - when word is enclosed in some HTML tags, it won't be found, and we'll fix it. Also, it won't find the whole phrase if it is enclosed in HTML.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#6 | Posted: 13 Oct 2005 19:39
Something else, too. This is another case. I have a poem. The first line is:

С книжните кораби and means With paper ships.

When I search the entire line with the option "Whole phrase", it doesnt find it. When I remove the first word "С", i. e. when I leave only книжните кораби, the module finds it with the same option.

The same happens with an entire middle line, and also with an entire final line, even without the full stop at the end.

Something happens the phrase is between <br> and periods, too...

Author _Marco
#7 | Posted: 13 Oct 2005 23:09
When I remove the first word "С",
Minimum length of any word is 3 symbols. Maybe that explains the C at the beginning.

Something happens the phrase is between <br> and periods, too...
Maybe this has to do with special caracters surounding the words.
This also counts for caracters like ([{.,-/_.


Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#8 | Posted: 14 Oct 2005 02:11
I tested it again.

1. Yes, it might be because of the one-letter word, but obviously is not. Now it didn't find the line Последни искри, which is fill initial line after a new empty line.

2. No, I intentionally omit the dot, when I search.

Thanks, but the reason is somewhere else.

Author Team
#9 | Posted: 14 Oct 2005 14:49
The reason could be that it doesn't convert to lowercase specific symbols (Cyrillic, for example, even more cyrillic uppercase). I've seen this problem on some hosts.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#10 | Posted: 14 Oct 2005 15:10
I'm not sure... if it doesn't convert uppercase to lowercase only, why I cannot now find as well и като мравчица с разперени крилца почуква in "Full phrase mode? There aren't capitals.

Anyway, if I knew the reason, I wouldn't discuss and wonder here... :)

And in the larger text, too. I have в момента мисля за нея. This is the phrase, cut just before the period. The machine doesn't find it neither by words, nor by phrase. But if I cut it only to в момента мисля, i. e. more fare from the period, it finds the post with both options.

The module finds Единственото, което няма and Пол for example, what means that it recognizes capitals and small letters.

I continue to think that there is something related to the internal <br> and the punctuation signs (specially the full stop, I'm not sure about the others).

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#11 | Posted: 15 Oct 2005 02:52
Even more impressions :)


When searching by words - finds it, so it has not a problem with the converting small<->capitals. But when searching whole phrase - doesn't find it. Than I had another idea - to frame the title with "~".

So I typed ~балада за талантите~, even with small letters, and - ah! - it found the whole phrase, but between these "~".

Author Team
#12 | Posted: 15 Oct 2005 13:10
It all sounds logical. Wait until we improve the test module :) It probably just ignores the word if it is within the HTML code.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#13 | Posted: 28 Dec 2005 14:09
Today I tried to search the whole phrase "правя на елегантен" ("pretend to be elegant"). Nothing, despite I know it's there! :) Than I searched again with fragments of words and found what I wanted like this:

правя на елегантен

The "на" was omited... Something is not comme il faut :)

Author Team
#14 | Posted: 28 Dec 2005 14:17
Well, it would be cool if you could duplicate something like that on our forums. Hard to say what's wrong when you don't see it.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#15 | Posted: 28 Dec 2005 19:12
Unfortunately, I doubt I can duplicate something in Cyrillic in this forum. Forget it, please.

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 Error in the search module
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