Error in user data...
This is related to the miniBB internal routine checking. You must provide same passwords on registration. It's like a verification process.
Hmm, "Deprecated..." error is probably related to PHP 6. Which version of PHP are you using? I suppose it is 6.
Ok, it was planned for the next miniBB, but here is the code you may try to replace in
if ($action=='register' and (!preg_match($userRegExp,${$dbUserSheme['username'][1]}) or preg_match("#^[0-9]+$#", ${$dbUserSheme['username'][1]})) ) $correct=1;
elseif($act=='reg' and !preg_match("#^[A-Za-z0-9_]
{5,32}$#i", ${$dbUserSheme['user_password'][1]})) $correct=2;
elseif($act=='upd' and ${$dbUserSheme['user_password'][1]}!='' and !preg_match("#^[A-Za-z0-9_]
{5,32}$#i", ${$dbUserSheme['user_password'][1]})) $correct=2;
elseif(${$dbUserSheme['user_password'][1]}!=$passwd2) $correct=3;
elseif(!preg_match("#^[0-9a-z]+([._-][0-9a-z_]+)*_?@[0-9a-z]+([._-][0-9a-z]+)*[.][0-9a-z]{2}[0-9A-Z]?[0-9A-Z]?$#i", ${$dbUserSheme['user_email'][1]})) $correct=4;
elseif(isset($dbUserSheme['user_website']) and isset(${$dbUserSheme['user_website'][1]}) and ${$dbUserSheme['user_website'][1]}!='' and !preg_match("#^(f|ht)tp[s]?:\/\/[^<>]+$#i", ${$dbUserSheme['user_website'][1]})) $correct=6;
i.e. everywhere
eregi should be replaced to
preg_match with the proper extra syntax.
Please fix and let me know how it works. We will keep this upgrade for the next miniBB release.
P.S. It is fixed in miniBB 2.5.