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Missing Space between Report and Move, when a topic has only one post

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Author Steve Shaw
#16 · Posted: 17 Oct 2020 17:00
Perfect — it's on it's way to you...


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#17 · Posted: 17 Oct 2020 18:30
Thanks, I've got the files. And I suppose I know what's wrong...

You have actually installed two different reporting options which exclude each other: one is the part of the "Direct Email" addon ($reportLink) and the other is the part of the Private Messaging ($reportMsgLink) — both are installed under templates\main_posts_cell.html — but this is a contradiction.

You should choose only one option to report, else in some cases, you could see TWO Report links at once — it may be very confusing to users!

I'd recommend to leave only the option for Private Messaging, avoid anything related to the Direct Email sending. As you see, emails often do not reach the recipient, it's too unreliable option for reporting and it was implemented only for those users who didn't buy the PM add-on.

Just remove {$reportLink} from templates\main_posts_cell.html and it should fix the issue.

Author Steve Shaw
#18 · Posted: 17 Oct 2020 18:35
Hi Paul — yep, that worked.
I wasn't aware of the 'conflict' using the two messaging/reporting options.

Thanks as always for the great support!


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 Missing Space between Report and Move, when a topic has only one post
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