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Premoderation issue with new Topics and Posts

Author Steve Shaw
#1 · Posted: 6 Jul 2021 09:43
Hi Paul,

I have just had a real issue with Premoderation.

A new user posted both a new message to an existing Topic, as well as starting a new Topic, with a new message.
But the new topic post appeared as both a New Topic, and a New Post, both requiring Premoderation.

The new post to the existing Topic was released ok, but the new Topic and post just generated a new, empty topic, with no message.
(The Topic even showed 0 0 for messages)

I was then not able to release the actual post.
No error message — the post juts never released.
I had to delete it in the end, and email the user to re-post the message, now he is off the Premoderation list.

Obvious a rather annoying bug/issue.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 6 Jul 2021 18:29
At first, could you please make a screenshot of what do you have under Admin panel -> Premoderation settings?

Also, was it about the old account but added to the Premoderated users, or a completely new account?

I need exact steps and config to know to repeat the problem, so I'll try it out on the miniBB demo forums.

Author Steve Shaw
#3 · Posted: 9 Jul 2021 01:19
Hi Paul — you do still have 'developer' access, if that helps.


And is was a new user, never registered before.
It looked to be confusion with the same 'new' user posting a reply to an existing thread, as well as starting a new thread.

Also, I never received an email that you had replied...
But I did subscribe to this thread, obviously.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 10 Jul 2021 18:26
Steve Shaw:
Also, I never received an email that you had replied...
But I did subscribe to this thread, obviously.
I have disabled email subscriptions on our forum. As you see, the checkbox just lists the «Watch this topic» option with no «Subscribe». That means, you have to check for new replies under your «Watching» menu at the top. You won't get an email about new replies.

As about your issue, I need more information as I wasn't able to repeat it on miniBB Demo (you could also try it out there — all credentials available on the first page, and you could also modify any profile/account to update its password and test from a certain account that way).

Here's what I did:

— enabled Premoderation settings exactly like on your forum;

— added the user 'Learnthfun' to Premoderated users (it's actually a new account, so it doesn't really matter if it's added straight after registration or manually);

— logged as Learnthfun and posted a new message to an existing topic — it went under Premoderation and I've got a notice about that;

— then from the same account, I've created a New topic and it went to Premoderation, too;

— logged as admin (qwerty) — went under Premoderation link at the top of menu — went into Posts — approved the message from Learnthfun — it worked OK;

— went into Topics — approved the Learnthfun's topic — it's been appearing live OK.

So... this issue needs more investigation on your side, may be there are some steps which I am missing.

I have checked files named addon_premod_panel.php and addon_premod_setup.php on your server and it appeared they are older versions of this add-on, so I have replaced them to the newest versions I have (they should be compatible with your miniBB version). If I remember properly, while working out the new release, I've came up to the very similar issue you described. So maybe it was just a question of updating the software.

Please test the Premoderation panel now, and if whatever else discovered wrong, report here.

Author Steve Shaw
#5 · Posted: 13 Jul 2021 19:51
Cheers Paul — will do some more testing.


Author Steve Shaw
#6 · Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:47
Hi Paul — can't replicate the issue, so may well have been the old addon_premod_panel.php and addon_premod_setup.php files.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 19 Jul 2021 15:39
Ok, it could be — thanks for report.

Feel free to inform about any new issues you may find.

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 Premoderation issue with new Topics and Posts
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