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Author harootun
#1 · Posted: 17 Nov 2009 11:35
My forum works like the Demo forum, with no SEO URLs. I noticed that if you go to a User's Forum Profile and look at their "Recent Replies Posted" there is a slight bug.

If their reply is on the FIRST page of a topic and you click on the link, it DOES NOT go to their specific message. If their reply is on any page after the first page (assuming the topic has more than one page), it works properly and goes directly to the message.

The Demo Forum here (mis)behaves the same way (at least I think it does!).

Certainly not a big deal, but just thought I'd mention it.

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 17 Nov 2009 13:33
Could you show a specific example (ie. link to a user here that shows this behavior)?

Author harootun
#3 · Posted: 17 Nov 2009 15:34
Sure. Here's a link to the User's Forum Profile for test222.

If you click on the "Recent Replies Posted" link for "Micro Fiction" which is on the first page of a topic, it DOES NOT go to the specific message from test222.

If you click on the "Recent Replies Posted" link for "well, this topic does show up", which is on the second page of the topic, it DOES go to the specific message from test222.

You will see that in the URL for the second case, the Page # and message # appear in the URL. In the first case, there is no page # or message # in the URL.

Author tom322
Active Member
#4 · Posted: 17 Nov 2009 15:56
Oh, OK.. But this live forum works OK, correct? It's possible the demo forum is not fully updated yet or some other testing is going on there ;)

Author harootun
#5 · Posted: 17 Nov 2009 16:27
It's the same behavior on my own forum, which like the demo, doesn't use modrewrite. I'm thinking perhaps this has something to do with the recent pagination switch from "0" to "1" in minibb 2.4?

Author jontrac
#6 · Posted: 17 Nov 2009 21:44
I've just tested with my board and everything works fine. Probably it's because of the not up-to-date version of minibb. I'm not so sure tho.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 18 Nov 2009 09:41
This is kind of strange thing, I obviously see that the script goes to the exact message posted by 'test222' when you click on it. It 100% works how it should.

May be you are confused by the number the "page" var provides in this link? I mean, 'page' is 4659 or 4656 there. But it doesn't really mean the page "number" if you're supposed to think so. The page number is calculated only when you click the link, and the 'page' variable in this case doesn't really means an exact page.

You must CLICK the link not just watch it...

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 18 Nov 2009 09:42
BTW - the recent pagination switch could be reversed back, just set

define('PAGE1_OFFSET', -1);

in setup_options.php and you'll be back to 0 as the first page.

Author harootun
#9 · Posted: 18 Nov 2009 17:03
Maybe I'm crazy, but when I click on test222's recent reply titled "well, did this topic show up", it goes to the URL AND goes down to the message anchor on the page (also, at the end of the URL it includes the message # (#msg4656).

If I click on the recent reply "Micro Fiction," it goes to the proper page, but does NOT go to the message anchor for test222 on that page. The page remains at the top. Also, the URL does NOT include the message # at the end.

To me, these are DIFFERENT behaviors. One goes to test222's message anchor on the page and the other does not.

It is a trivial thing, but I swear it never used to work that way.

And yes, I use the define('PAGE1_OFFSET', -1); on my forum. I have to. Without it, on the second page of a topic, the message numbers jumped forward. As in, the last message on the first page was #30, and the first message on the second page was #61. It works properly with define('PAGE1_OFFSET', -1);. But perhaps I have something else set up incorrectly. Sigh...

Author tom322
Active Member
#10 · Posted: 18 Nov 2009 17:50
It could be browser bug, I assume you tested it on IE (on Firefox or chrome it works correctly).

Author harootun
#11 · Posted: 18 Nov 2009 20:07
Bingo! It is a browser/platform problem. I'm mainly on a Mac, and none of the browsers I use work! After doing some testing, here's my report.

Recent replies on the first page of a topic works (goes directly to the message anchor) on:
Google Chrome (PC)
Firefox 3 (PC)

Recent replies on the first page of a topic DOES NOT work (doesn't go to the message anchor and the message # disappears in the URL) on:
IE 6 (PC)
IE 7 (PC)
IE 8 (PC)
Opera 10 (PC)
Firefox 3 (Mac)
Safari 4 (Mac)
Opera 10 (Mac)

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