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Tab order on Sign In

Author Michael Hardt
#1 | Posted: 26 Sep 2006 13:25
On this forum, as well as on my own minibb board, after entering my name and password, I have to hit TAB seven times to give focus to the Sign In button. My instinct is to hit TAB once, then ENTER, as soon as I enter my password.

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 | Posted: 26 Sep 2006 14:29
I always hit the Enter button after entering username/password ;).

Author Michael Hardt
#3 | Posted: 26 Sep 2006 18:00
You're right--the ENTER key works. Since I've already developed the habit of hitting TAB, ENTER, I now curse silently each time I inadvertently go back to the home page, saying to myself, "Just hit the ENTER key, stupid!"

It's possible that I'm alone, but if other people typically TAB to the button, then it would be more intuitive if the buttton followed the Password field.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 | Posted: 27 Sep 2006 02:26
The story about tabs repeats again :-)

What you need to do on your forums, is just to edit templates/user_login_only_form.html and paste tabindex="5" in the submit button code.

I would not consider this as a "bug", however, I will take attention to it in the next release. Thanks!

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 Tab order on Sign In
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