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expanding author information on posts page

Author anup
#1 · Posted: 1 Oct 2005 22:00
is it possible to add more informaiton in the author column (on the posts page), about the user who posted viz. country, no. of posts etc.

also, is it possible to add a field like "real name" regarding the user in the preferences - how?


Author _Marco
#2 · Posted: 2 Oct 2005 18:24
Sure possible.

Edit setup_options.php like:
$userInfoInPosts=array($dbUserSheme['user_from'][1], $dbUserSheme['num_posts'][1]);

Edit main_post_cell.html like:
<br>{$userInfo_num_posts[$poster_id]} {$l_search[4]}

For "real name", you could use a custom field, like user_custom3

Edit user_data_form.html like:
<td class=caption4 align=right valign=top>Real Name</td>
<td class=caption5><textarea name=user_custom3 class=textForm style="width:200px;height:50px;">{$user_custom3}</textarea></td>


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 expanding author information on posts page
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