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Extended BB-Codes

Author Indyaner
#1 | Posted: 24 Mar 2007 14:04

Is there a chance to extend the existing BB-Codes? For Example, would it be cool if there are <li> Tag when i write * in the post.

There are several extensions in the bb_codes.php. But are they only for later versions or is it possible to enable them yet?

Or maybe better: A howto include own regexp to the right loactions to extend the bb-code-fuction in favor.


Author 2ramil
#2 | Posted: 25 Mar 2007 15:02
Is there a chance to extend the existing BB-Codes?
of course. you only nedd to write correct regexp to catch bb code and correct html tag to change
There are several extensions in the bb_codes.php. But are they only for later versions or is it possible to enable them yet?
u can define any bb code you want. their functionality don't changes from one version to another.

Author Indyaner
#3 | Posted: 25 Mar 2007 15:45
Yes, but how?
On wich points I have to add the lines?

I thought I could use the [CODE]-Addon to use it as an example. But the CODE-Addon doint work in my board (Its replace [CODE] with {[} CODE {]}, strange)


Author 2ramil
#4 | Posted: 25 Mar 2007 15:51
you may add your bb codes regexp in encodeBB() function. it must like [code](.*)[/code] or smth like that. in decodeBB() function you must "decode" text from html tag, for example, from <div class=\"code\">(.*)</div>. i think you will understand me

Author Indyaner
#5 | Posted: 25 Mar 2007 16:10
Yeah I know what you mean, but its a hard way, because the code is'nt that simple coded. There is for example the part to blick the icon and he adds this CODE-Tags in the Text an so on.

Furthermore, I just added in the last ten minutes the Smiley-ADdons, And nothing happends. Somethings around here goes VERY strange... I dement a Troubleshooting-list =/


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 | Posted: 26 Mar 2007 05:22
You need to be a coder, often a professional coder to implement these things. Or - refer to our paid support.

miniBB core is not for newbies.

Author Indyaner
#7 | Posted: 26 Mar 2007 05:47
Im not a professional but i code php for over 3 Years so I got a certain knowledge.
The problem was that the Readme for the CODE-Addon was for an older version. The Readme says "on top of the page" And the function to insert the code is nor on the bottom so the two additional code-segments were pasted in the wrong decode/encode-functions...


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#8 | Posted: 26 Mar 2007 12:44
What do you mean by CODE-Addon actually? I can't remember we have such addon in Downloads.

Author 2ramil
#9 | Posted: 27 Mar 2007 04:16
i think you must use Automatic script tabbing, it's easier in setup and better in actions.
What do you mean by CODE-Addon actually?
it's but i don't understand what is it doing at all when i set up it. it adds { and } in the begging and at the end of any string which is in [code] bb-code :)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#10 | Posted: 27 Mar 2007 06:51
Well, I understood about the "Code" addon - actually it's programmed by Rickard Armiento, and this is the person you should give any questions to. His email address is mentioned in the README file and on the site. Nobody from our team may respond and be responsible for 3rd party addons.

In general I've installed this addon and it works. So I don't know where is the problem on your side ;-)

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 Extended BB-Codes
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