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How to export minibb messages to Facebook wall: my expierence

Author AngryDwarf
#1 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 03:56
1) setup rss plugin to your minibb
2) register at bit . ly and get your username and API
3) register and setup your feed with bit . ly API at twitterfeed . com
4) setup the export of your feed to Facebook wall

just testing it several days.. all working fine but sometimes facebook lock the updates due daily limit reach

any other suggestions welcome here!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 05:27
Thanks for your experience.

Could you describe in more detail, what is Facebook, and what does it mean to have a wall for it? I've Googled for this term and found the website which provides no useful information or content, just a registration form. Like this:


Is this what your extra is created for? Do I need to register and do something next to see how it works?

Sorry, it sounds like I'm being outdated, but I didn't follow for couple of years what's up on Internet now, and don't know what happens and what it all is needed for.

Also, I'm not sure, why do you need website? If it's just about short URLs, it could be done directly on the server side, with no 3rd party involved.


Author AngryDwarf
#3 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 06:06
Aloha Paul!

Facebook is the most popular social engine worldwide (time-killer) what poking google as most visited site - http: // www . alexa . com / topsites

So a lot of people use it, and why not to publish to them some content from our minibb based forums?

Also, I'm not sure, why do you need website? If it's just about short URLs, it could be done directly on the server side, with no 3rd party involved.
Currently i have no any exactly idea why twitterfeed working ONLY with short url services but if you wish to publish your feed thou twitterfeed you need to use short url service from the list they provided. One of them (and working fine is bit . ly


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 08:48
Time-killer - well said! It seems I just prefer to not do what is not worth and spend my time more productively, that's why I am not into it :-)

Anyway, I would like to investigate it a bit deeper. Exactly because it's so popular, as I see.

I've registered there and have couple of questions so far:

- Does Facebook have kind of public profiles, like MySpace. For example, on MySpace there could be an URL like - does Facebook has the same? I'm just confused, because I don't understand, if my profile is visible to public. There is something like home.php?#!/profile.php?id=100001... and the profile ID, but it looks so heavy. Just not sure it's about that.

- How could I add something to my Wall? I see no buttons, no links saying "Add", I could just post a message, replacing that one saying "What's on your mind".

I definitely would like to put miniBB feeds under this website, but not going through heaps of Twitter. I'm sure there is more convenient solution... or at least I could program one.


Author AngryDwarf
#5 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 09:17
I'm sure there is more convenient solution... or at least I could program one.
they do not go through twitter, the service called twitterfeed
where you can add your RSS to Facebook only

I'm sure there is more convenient solution... or at least I could program one.
I believe it's true, but i googled just 3 ready solutions and just one above working fine for me.

- How could I add something to my Wall? I see no buttons, no links saying "Add", I could just post a message, replacing that one saying "What's on your mind".
go to profile -> wall -> and post something :)
tip: Facebook's interface can be switched to any language and it's well translated by freelancers

- Does Facebook have kind of public profiles, like MySpace. For example, on MySpace there could be an URL like myspace . com/ band - does Facebook has the same? I'm just confused, because I don't understand, if my profile is visible to public. There is something like home.php?#!/profile.php?id=100001... and the profile ID, but it looks so heavy. Just not sure it's about that.
discovering it... Facebook had a lot of privacy settings

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 10:57
they do not go through twitter, the service called twitterfeed
Sorry, there are so many stuff nowadays. My fault. Now I see.

go to profile -> wall -> and post something
I understand how to post, and I understand English well, but what about this:

setup the export of your feed to Facebook wall
How to set it up? How to set up something on this "wall", in general? That what my question was about.

Facebook had a lot of privacy settings
So far I only see it tries to get into my email account and get some contacts from there. Awesome. If 10 years ago somebody would ask me an app, which connects to the email's account and tries to manipulate it, asking to provide email's login and password, it would sound like a privacy crime... ;-)

Author AngryDwarf
#7 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 11:58
How to set it up? How to set up something on this "wall", in general? That what my question was about.
You need to login to twitterfeed and start new profile with your rss feed
Also pls look at "advanced" settings to setup as you need.

Follow the steps below at the page. At somem moment it will asking about to connecting to your profile at Facebook. Confirm it. "magic" moment and it's connected to your Wall.

Now try to force update your feed and if all looking well - enjoy how it's works

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 13:54
Thank you for the tips. I'll try it in a meanwhile.

Author AngryDwarf
#9 · Posted: 5 Nov 2010 04:42
take a deep breath :)

Author AngryDwarf
#10 · Posted: 5 Nov 2010 05:06
Just found new RSS updater - RSS Graffiti

It's using for Dmitry Medvedev (presidend of Russia) Facebook wall updater

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 5 Nov 2010 05:16
Wow, even Medvedev is on Facebook!

Not a solid move for the president of the highly "secured" country :-D

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 12 Nov 2010 06:39
So far my report is the following:

- I've tried, but it appeared too buggy and non-perfect for me. Actually it didn't work. I've tried to set-up a feed, then when I tried to connect to Facebook with my account, it said "Opps, it appears that your Facebook session has expired.". I've tried to re-open my browser, then it some how worked, but the feed didn't publish anything on Facebook's wall. In result, now I have two the same feeds set up on this website, and I don't know how to remove them. Now it says "Marked this service as inactive due to authorisation failure, edit your feed service settings and activate again". I didn't went further and simple left it as is. It appears simply impossible. "Bad Gateway" is also quite a regular error on this site. I don't like it. They say they are "twittering" couple of millions of accounts, but I suspect, they are all just dead accounts like mine, and only minor part of them produces something useful.

- RSS Graffiti is more suitable, and I've got luck with it. I've set up RSS feed, didn't change their default settings, and it appeared confusing at the beginning, that I didn't find anything on my wall immediately. You should wait for about a day, until the only new feeds made since the moment when you set up RSS Graffiti, will appear on the wall. But at least they are appearing OK - despite I wouldn't call it an "in-time" technology. What sense to read about what happened yesterday? It's not new anymore.

Still, this all doesn't make a big sense for me at the moment.

Accordingly to Facebook apps page, tabs on user profile pages will no longer be supported after the end of the year. I didn't understand this in whole, but it appears "Wall" is also a tab, and may be in the future it will have another meaning.
Also they are in the process of deprecating FBML i.e. Facebook Markup Language.

There appear to be so many changes in Facebook 3rd party developing strategy, that I think it is not worth to share more related time to it right now. Their "technology" is too raw at the moment. What sense to work on something, if it stops to work in a year or even less.

The funny note in Wikipedia accordingly such developers, state that "It grew to more than 800,000 developers around the world building applications for Facebook Platform." Honestly I don't understand from where they've got such a lot of developers, if they even don't have a human documentation explaining what needs to be done for what. I can't believe that, and the Wikipedia doesn't have source of information for this data, btw.

I suppose, that's why it all sucks at the moment.

Author AngryDwarf
#13 · Posted: 12 Nov 2010 06:41
- I've tried twitterfeed, but it appeared too buggy and non-perfect for me. Actually it didn't work. I've tried to set-up a feed, then when I tried to connect to Facebook with my account, it said "Opps, it appears that your Facebook session has expired.".
last 3 days it's bugged and stopped working well

thank you for the other suggestions - need to check them soon

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 How to export minibb messages to Facebook wall: my expierence
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