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Is the $xtr function call to getClForums needed in bb_func_vthread.php file?

Author tom322
Active Member
#1 · Posted: 9 Jun 2019 01:39
I have a quick question regarding a line of code in bb_func_vthread.php. In the "/* User info in posts */" section of the code there is this line:

(and the associated):

My question - is this line needed? Because from what I checked, it only produces a list of user_ids of the posters in the thread, like:

where (user_id=505 or user_id=0 or user_id=44 or user_id=181 or user_id=128 or user_id=109 or user_id=123)
I don't understand why it would be ever needed to call this getClForums function on action='vthread' pages (within the user info posts).. When I commented these lines, everything seemed to work the same.. (even though I have closed forum) and without these lines the script would be a little faster since it won't call this getClForums function? Thank you.

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 9 Jun 2019 03:46
Ok, I got it now - what it is now is surely correct (without this $xtr condition the script would have to go through all users instead of just those who posted in this topic : ).

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 9 Jun 2019 12:29
Yes, and thus $xtr is used in another requests, so its value should not cross with them (that's why it's unset after the request is completed).

Master Class miniBB Support Forums / Master Class /
 Is the $xtr function call to getClForums needed in bb_func_vthread.php file?
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