I've read this many times, but some detail still seems to be missing for me.
I have installed one working copy of miniBB in a directory named "/forums", and I'm attempting to set up a separate board using a second set of DB tables but the same core scripts. In the description of $pathToFiles in the manual it says:
"You may use one copy of general miniBB core, but having just different index and options file, create many communities based on this core."
So, I created another directory called "test_forum". Then I copied into this new directory the files "_install.php", "_install_mysql.php", "index.php", and "setup_options.php". I changed "setup_options.php" to use the same database as the first board but named the tables differently, set $pathToFiles as the full file-sytem path to the core directory ("/www/htdocs/forums/"), and ran the install. It worked - great! New tables created- great! Visit the forum - not so great :(
The index page displays, but without forum, login form or any formatting. Obviously, more is needed that just a "different index and options file" in order to "create many communities based on this core".
Also, I do not want to use different subdomains, just different directories.
What am I missing? |