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Multiple boards per website?

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Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#16 · Posted: 3 Jul 2005 22:56
Yes, I see now. If prefix is "xxx" -> go here, if prefix is "yyy" - > go there.

But this is even more flexible! Than you can get, for example, five of the tables from one set, and the sixth table from another set, let's say... the users. Smart!

Have a nice time (and weather :)

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#17 · Posted: 3 Jul 2005 23:00
My backup (I must rather say "their backup") hadn't preserved the permissions :) These were only one tagboard and a small chat, nothing important :) But I'll tell them about TAR.

Author Fil
#18 · Posted: 15 Aug 2005 18:32
I am using multiple forums from the same database as talked about above.

The only problem is that even though all the boards in the subdirectories use the same users table, for some reason they have to log into each board seperately.

I have tried several cookie configurations in the setup_options file, setting them up identical to each other, but no luck. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

Anyone here have any ideas?

Author Team
#19 · Posted: 15 Aug 2005 18:39
For sure, cookie settings are the reason here... but only if not your server configuration.


- if you are using multiple subdomains for each forum (,, set $cookiedomain='';

- if you are using multiple paths (, set $cookiepath='/'; and $cookiedomain='';

Author Anonymous
#20 · Posted: 15 Aug 2005 19:00
That did it!

I know I tried that setting before, but I must have not removed my cookies when I tested it or did something else wrong to not have it work.

Anyway, thank you Team very much for the quick fix! :)

Author Anonymous
#21 · Posted: 27 Aug 2005 15:54
Is it possible to have multiple independent bulletin boards within one website using miniBB with only one installation of the software?
That would be great

Author Team
#22 · Posted: 29 Aug 2005 16:46
That would be great - explanation above gives you every detail on that great.

Author Anonymous
#23 · Posted: 9 Sep 2005 22:09
I've read this many times, but some detail still seems to be missing for me.

I have installed one working copy of miniBB in a directory named "/forums", and I'm attempting to set up a separate board using a second set of DB tables but the same core scripts. In the description of $pathToFiles in the manual it says:

"You may use one copy of general miniBB core, but having just different index and options file, create many communities based on this core."

So, I created another directory called "test_forum". Then I copied into this new directory the files "_install.php", "_install_mysql.php", "index.php", and "setup_options.php". I changed "setup_options.php" to use the same database as the first board but named the tables differently, set $pathToFiles as the full file-sytem path to the core directory ("/www/htdocs/forums/"), and ran the install. It worked - great! New tables created- great! Visit the forum - not so great :(

The index page displays, but without forum, login form or any formatting. Obviously, more is needed that just a "different index and options file" in order to "create many communities based on this core".

Also, I do not want to use different subdomains, just different directories.

What am I missing?

Author coppercup
#24 · Posted: 9 Sep 2005 22:10
That was my post. I did not realize I was not logged in. Thanks!

Author Team
#25 · Posted: 10 Sep 2005 18:01
What am I missing - if would be cool if you could provide the URL for that. But in general, I think, you are missing $main_url option.

Author coppercup
#26 · Posted: 13 Sep 2005 00:10
I modified the $main_url option on the second board to point to the directory with the source files. This leaves me to ask what the $pathToFiles really does.

Anyway it suddently picked up the same template structure as the original board, but still doesn't display the board compenents properly. It just says "Still no forums?".

So I then thought I would log in to the administration for the second board, but there is no administration page for the second board. Did I need to copy that as well?

To be honest, it almost seems easier to me, if I want two boards, to have to completely seperate installs, especially if I want each board to have it's own set of templates.


Author Team
#27 · Posted: 13 Sep 2005 09:55
$pathToFiles is used for INCLUDING the files, when PHP is doing include(). $main_url is an option for BROWSING the forums. These both settings are created, because in a case of multiple forums, you can not use relative paths or URLs.

Yes, you need to copy administration file as well, of course.

On our project, we also are using one core of the board, and many settings. We have the following for the each subdirectory:


RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^$ ../CORE_ENGINE/index.php$1
RewriteRule ^index\.php(.*)$ ../CORE_ENGINE/index.php$1
RewriteRule ^bb_admin\.php(.*)$ ../CORE_ENGINE/bb_admin.php$1

where CORE_ENGINE is the name of your core directory.

also as setup_options.php for each directory.

In the index.php and bb_admin.php we have a little script which determines the directory of called-from forums via $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']. So, we determine $userDir and then do:

include ($userDir.'/setup_options.php');

You may use one copy of general miniBB core, but having just different index and options file, create many communities based on this core - that's true, and is an example of it. But it doesn't mean you just need to copy all files and it will work. It could not work just because of PHP limitations. So, for you, maybe it is really just easier to make 2 copies of the script and have no problems in the future, if you have no experienced PHP programming.

Author Kaelon
#28 · Posted: 5 Nov 2005 03:50
This is a great thread. What about many forums that all share the same users table? Would that work?

Edit: I just see above that it is. Great news. :) Can a core solution be used in concert with this?

Author Team
#29 · Posted: 7 Nov 2005 09:45
Everything is prepared in the core scripts, so multiple boards should work. But you need to program additional scripts for handling additional procedures for it. It's a specific task, and we don't provide free solutions on it.

Author Kaelon
#30 · Posted: 11 Nov 2005 08:35
What sort of additional procedures do you envision multiple forums requiring?

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 Multiple boards per website?
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