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All posts / replies on one page [RUSSIAN]

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Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#16 | Posted: 5 Sep 2006 13:58 
V upor ne dogonyayu, chto tam nuzhno menyat'. Poiskovik ne dolzhen indeksirovat' stranitsy, v kotorykh prisutstvuet "sortBy". ili ne ispol'zovat' ego vovse - ehto bolee verno, ya zhe napisal, chto vse ehto proiskhodit avtomaticheski.

Author Serg
#17 | Posted: 5 Sep 2006 14:06 
Poiskovik ne dolzhen indeksirovat' stranitsy, v kotorykh prisutstvuet "sortBy"

YA sejchas ne o poiskovike, a o navigatsii vnutri foruma. Vashi slova iz upomyanutoj temy:

Notice: this also will work when you browse forums, choosing them from dropdown menu at the bottom of page.

YA by dobavil, chto sortirovka po temam i Extra Pagination v ehtom sluchae nedostupny.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#18 | Posted: 5 Sep 2006 16:32 
Dyk ehto kod IMENNO dlya poiskovikov! Ego nezachem voobshche stavit', esli vam nachkhat' na poiskovik i vy gotovy zhdat', poka on vashi forumy pereindeksiruet v techenie pary mesyatsev sobstvennymi silami. Poehtomu ya i napisal - "dlya ozabochennykh". Ozabochennykh poiskovikom.

YA by dobavil, chto sortirovka po temam i Extra Pagination v ehtom sluchae nedostupny. - oni i ne dolzhny byt' dostupny, ehto kod dlya poiskovika.

Author Serg
#19 | Posted: 6 Sep 2006 00:08 
Pro NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW napishu pozzhe, kogda razberus' so vsevozmozhnymi variatsiyami URLov :-)

Proapgrejdil forum do versii 2.0.2 - s index/noindex vse normal'no.
Na "kod dlya ozabochennykh" zabil :-)
А v sabzh dobavil vybor - extra ili all. Mozhet komu sgoditsya :-)

/* Limit thread pagination to 100 or to all*/
if(isset($topicData[5]) and $topicData[5]>$viewmaxreplys){
if(isset($_GET['extpage'])) { $viewmaxreplys=$replysExtra; $linkExtra=''; $numrep=$replysDefault; $linkText1=''; $indexphp1=$indexphp; $indexphp.='extpage&'; $mod_rewrite=FALSE; }
else { $linkExtra='extpage&'; $numrep=$replysExtra; $indexphp1=$indexphp; }
$extTopics=" <a href=\"{$indexphp1}{$linkExtra}action=vthread&amp;forum={$ forum}&amp;topic=3329&amp;page=2\">Pagination {$numrep}</a>";

)) { $viewmaxreplys=$topicData[5]; $linkExtra=''; $linkText=''; $extTopics=''; }
else { $linkExtra='alltopics&amp;'; $linkText='All'; }
$allTopics=" <a href=\"{$indexphp}{$linkExtra}action=vthread&amp;forum={$f orum}&amp;topic=3329&page=all\">{$linkText}</a>";
/* --Limit thread pagination to 100 or to all */

(mezhdu zhirnymi simvolami ubrat' probel)

{$extTopics} i {$allTopics} - v main_posts.html

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#20 | Posted: 6 Sep 2006 07:55 
Ok, tak uzhe luchshe :-) YA proveril kod - vrode by rabotaet.

ZHelayushchim nado ne zabyt' vstavit' v main_posts.html {$extTopics} i {$allTopics}, ili obe peremennye vmeste (khotya ehto yavno perebor).

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 All posts / replies on one page [RUSSIAN]
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