Jay Graves By default, miniBB is not the publishing platform, so there are no codes provided for your needs. However, they are easily implementable. We recommend to use suggested codes (centering, heading) only for admin, so the steps for implementing this are the following:
1) Edit bb_codes.php and in admin section (function enCodeBB), add:
if($admin==1) {
$pattern[]="/\[font(#[A-F0-9]{6})\](.+?)\[\/font\]/is"; $replacement[]='<font color="\\1">\\2</font>';
$pattern[]="/\[center](.+?)\[\/center\]/is"; $replacement[]='<div align="center">\\1</div>';
$pattern[]="/\[head](.+?)\[\/head\]/is"; $replacement[]='<span class="forumhead">\\1</span>';
2) bb_codes.php - in the function deCodeBB(), before $msg=..., add:
$pattern[]="/<div align=\"center\">(.+?)<\/div>/is"; $replacement[]='[center]\\1[/center]';
$pattern[]="/<span class=\"forumhead\">(.+?)<\/span>/is"; $replacement[]='[head]\\1[/head]';
3) CSS file - add:
.forumhead{ font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; }
4) After that, you will be able to use the following codes:
[head]Your Header Text Here[/head] - for your headings [center]Any Text or IMGS code here[/center] - for centering the content. |