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Changing amount of User Activities "bars" under Profile

Author Vodicka
#1 · Posted: 2 Feb 2009 08:58
I would like to know how to limit number of bars in user activity "chart" (in user profile). For my users top 10 would be just enough.

I already succeeded in limiting number of shown latest topics and posts by adding the following line into bb_plugins.php:

if($action=='userinfo') $viewmaxtopic=10;

Would something similar be possible for the chart too?


Please correct the title. (Simply...) Shame on me!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 2 Feb 2009 10:10
Bars just show all forums user has been participated in. If the amount seems to be big, it means you have a lot of forums, and basically, if you limit that chart, it won't be useful and objective anymore. So I suppose for you it would be better to remove it at all, put

under bb_plugins.php or setup_options.php.

To limit the amount of bars, you need to modify bb_func_usernfo.php file, introducing new limiting variable in /* Activities */ block. For example you introduce:

Then in the cycle which begins as

foreach($forums as $k=>$val){


if($currentLimit>$limitBars) break;

you need to refer to that war. Example is shown above.

Author Vodicka
#3 · Posted: 2 Feb 2009 16:39
You are right and in future I may opt for dismissing the chart completely. For now I have limited the number of bars to ten and it works just fine. Thank you!

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 Changing amount of User Activities "bars" under Profile
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