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Changing "Sign In/Post a Message" button ONLY look

Author EinfachClicken
#1 · Posted: 3 Jan 2008 03:58
What I would like to do, is to make the button with the text:
Sign In/Post a Message ....

.... look different comparing to other buttons... In other words, the button itself, the background, and also the text on the button is fine, except for the fact that I would like for only and specifically THAT TEXT to become larger and bolder, without having an effect on anything else (aside from increasing the button size automatically). Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Author MyFairTux
#2 · Posted: 3 Jan 2008 05:08

To change all buttons, have a look at bb_default_style.css:

You will find there this:

/* Input areas - boxes, textareas... */
.inputButton {
font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
background: #FFFFFF;
border-top: #CCCCCC 1px solid;
border-right: #CCCCCC 1px solid;
border-left: #CCCCCC 1px solid;
border-bottom: #CCCCCC 1px solid;
font-size: 10px;
color: #000000;
/* height: 19px; */

To get a bold button text for ALL buttons, add the line "font-weight:bold;" between the curly braces.

If you want to change only this specific button of your given url you have to copy the inputButton style to a new e.g. "submitPostButton" style and do your changes there.

Then you have to change the corresponding templates main_post_area.html and main_topics.html by changing class="inputButton" to class="submitPostButton" (or what class you have created in the css file). Then you can change the post buttons individually.

Christoph (also from Germany)

Author EinfachClicken
#3 · Posted: 3 Jan 2008 08:19
Sometimes you stare at coded pages so long ... and feel like a fool for not seeing the obvious until someone else points it out. Thanks a lot Chris. That did the trick.

Custom Tutorials and Modifications miniBB Support Forums / Custom Tutorials and Modifications /
 Changing "Sign In/Post a Message" button ONLY look
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