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Count Views for each page

Author zorglub
#1 · Posted: 21 Apr 2005 21:07
Hi !
How would it be possible to count each view of a topic. Topic counter only add on when you display the first page. But in my script, I directly go to the last page (-1).

So I would like to make so that each page displayed is counted in views...

Where should I change something ? Thank you =)

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#2 · Posted: 22 Apr 2005 02:35
Then every time when someone wants to remember a phrase or something that he has already seen 10s of times, the board will count it as new visit - 100 rememberings, 100 visits. Not realistic :)

Author Team
#3 · Posted: 22 Apr 2005 10:21
Yes, if you think, you find this useful... "View of a topic" actually relays on individual users who are reading it for the first time, not another.

This is in general defined in bb_func_vthread.php:

if($page==0 and isset($enableViews) and $enableViews) updateArray(array('topic_views'),$Tt,'topic_id',$topic);

just remove the condition "$page==0 and"

Author zorglub
#4 · Posted: 22 Apr 2005 15:12
Team working, thank you =)

Ivan my board are stories that people continue, not a 'chat board'. So, I want to display which are the most 'read' and popular stories. So usually, people directly go to -1 page (there is a link for that at the first page) and only read the new 'episode'. Otherwise, it would be meaningless, I agree with you !

Author Moony
#5 · Posted: 29 Jun 2017 16:07
In newer versions it should be :

if(isset($enableViews) and $enableViews) updateArray(array('topic_views'),$Tt,'topic_id',$topic);

if($page==PAGE1_OFFSET+1 and isset($enableViews) and $enableViews) updateArray(array('topic_views'),$Tt,'topic_id',$topic);

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 Count Views for each page
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