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Danny's miniBB recaptcha MOD

Author DannyN
#1 · Posted: 1 Dec 2008 08:49
Protect your forums from any kind of the automated attacks using this captcha mod. It adds a captcha validation before posting new topics/replies as well as during registration.

You can see a demo at

You can download this mod from

** This mod requires a recaptcha account -- it's a free service and can be obtained from

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 2 Dec 2008 03:08
I've checked it and it works nice, thanks for providing the solution.

Still, I would have two remarks:

1) Captcha image loads each time when you open topics or messages page. In our original paid version of the Captcha add-on, authorization code is asked only after you have actually posted something. This eats less traffic and resources.

2) If you enter Captcha code improperly, it suggests to get back, and in this process, what you have posted, in some browsers may be lost.

3) It doesn't work for other miniBB add-ons ;-)

All in all, thanks again, I hope many find this suitable (still don't forget we have another alternative to Captcha solution).

Author DannyN
#3 · Posted: 2 Dec 2008 06:55
Thanks Paul, you bring up some good points. I will try to address them.

Author Guest
#4 · Posted: 25 Dec 2008 02:06
Paul u can always edit the code ;)

Author Guest
#5 · Posted: 25 Dec 2008 02:21
and this one is better imo

Author gare
#6 · Posted: 2 Sep 2009 15:09
I would prefer keeping the CAPTCHA from minibb but then adding a question after the successful CAPTCHA session. Could that be done?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 3 Sep 2009 04:35
Make sure your users will pass it in that case :) As I know, for many is too difficult even to enter the code. Answering the additional question would mean most of users may leave the website.

Author jontrac
#8 · Posted: 2 Nov 2009 22:56
Works nicely! Thanks Danny.

Author tom322
Active Member
#9 · Posted: 3 Nov 2009 08:08
This mod requires a recaptcha account -- it's a free service and can be obtained from
You should be aware that was bought by Google and in result the privacy of your users and your site may be weakened if you use this service..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 3 Nov 2009 10:39
While in IT everybody can be independant, I am wondering how many people still prefer to be slaves. It's probably comes from their slave ancents. If your blood was slave once in the past, it can't be free, because you don't know what to do with freedom.

That thing with Re-captcha reminds me the same.

Instead of buying a coffee and a croissant for the author of purely independant, security-proved, your own copy of the standalone Captcha script, there is a slavery moment on your side when you're trying to be slave taking someone's other tehnology and still thinking it is free.

It's the same like if you would get the fridge for free without inside lights. Of course you can get around having no lights, but having lights is better. Then instead of buying just a lights bulb, you ask your neighbour for a help, and it provides you a free wire with some tricky technology, which gives the light into your fridge. Now what? It works, but who knows - maybe the wire collects the smells and analyzes the food in your fridge... and some day you may discover it burned your fridge. For free.

Of course it won't happen, because your fridge will live much less time then this Wire.
The same way, 90% of people installing free forums software, don't know why they do that. Their forums most likely expire in a year or even less.

Do you think being a small company, we would be interested in such people?.. We're interested in serious customers. $6 fee is your start investment in something more solid. And if you have no solid plans - then don't get our fridge. It's not for you.

Strange marketing... I'm totally mad with such thoughts :-)

Author tom322
Active Member
#11 · Posted: 3 Nov 2009 11:23
Classic thoughts from Paul ;).

It's not possible to be serious when you spend days in search of finding 'free' and slavery solutions when you can get the better, independent, and supported solution for a small amount.

Adding more about ReCaptcha - it's interesting that you will not find any information about who owns the company unless you visit the privacy page: You won't notice the true ownership info on "About us", "Faq" etc. pages.. Not even on the "Terms" page.

It's all clouded into one big monster..

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 Danny's miniBB recaptcha MOD
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Install the Captcha add-on: protect your miniBB-forums from the automated spam and flood.