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Displaying additional info for sticky topics

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Author andreasm
#16 | Posted: 17 Feb 2007 04:56
Now, I use that code to make sticky text bold:

/* displaying sticky topics bold */
function parseTopic(){
{ $GLOBALS['topicTitle']='<strong>'.$GLOBALS['topicTitle'].'</strong> '; }
else { $GLOBALS['topicTitle']=$GLOBALS['topicTitle']; }

That's all. No modifications in file main_last_discuss_cell.html are needed.

Author jontrac
#17 | Posted: 25 Nov 2009 11:47
That will not work for latest discussions. Additional code changes in bb_func_ldisc.php are required.
Dear Paul, could you please instruct us how to make it work for latest discussions? Much appreciated your help!

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#18 | Posted: 25 Nov 2009 13:30
I'm not sure if my reply is not outdated (3006). This could work for latest discussions in the latest miniBB. Try it...

Author jontrac
#19 | Posted: 25 Nov 2009 21:45
Dear Paul, unfortunately, it does not work for the latest discussions. I've been getting around the bb_func_ldisc.php but no hope. Wish I have some programming knowledge. :(

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#20 | Posted: 26 Nov 2009 04:06
Well, sticky topics will not be displayed under Recent Topics section at all? if you are trying to implement that code. They are not simply included in the execution of the recent discussions sql-request, in general.

For such purpose you may have "super-sticky" add-on which we're distributing on a paid basis only by request. It allows to "stick" some topic above all other sticky topics and above Recent Topics section, too, putting it in a different color, look etc. $12.

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 Displaying additional info for sticky topics
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