I know a webmaster who has miniBB based forum and has recently installed and integrated an online chat (see: polishforums.com/live/). It's very simple to do it. By following these instructions your registered users will be able to post using their registered usernames on the chat:
1. Go to cbox.ws, sign up for a Premium account (it costs $20 a Year).
2. Enable integration in your cbox interface.
3. You will be given an HTML code to copy-paste on your web page where you want the chat to appear. Do it and then modify the code (the one within the iframe) so that it looks something like below (you need to modify the part in bold):
<iframe frameborder="0" style="width:100%;height:130px" src="http://www7.cbox.ws/box/?boxid=72xxxx&boxtag=zf1000&sec=form&nme={$chatName}&nmekey={$chatKey}" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="yes" name="cboxform7-72xxxx" id="cboxform7-72xxxx"></iframe>
4. Create a page where you want the chat to appear, for example:
If you don't want a separate page, that will work too.
5. Go to your bb_plugins.php and copy-paste the following:
For separate addon_live.html page:
// start cbox chat
if($action=='tpl' and $tplName=='addon_live')
// end cbox chat
For all other existing pages:
// start cbox chat
// end cbox chat
------- That's all. --------