Question: is there a way to disable certain bb codes for Anonymous posters as well?
Answer: of course, there is a way. Inside bb_codes.php file, in enCode() function, the following type conditions must be placed:
/* Only members BB code here for $pattern[] and $replacement[] */
If you want to disable certain buttons also, there is no way to do it easily except if you define each button's HTML in bb_plugins.php file with some kind of the following code:
if($user_id>0){ $buttonUrl=<<<out <a href="JavaScript:paste_strinL(selektion, 4, '[url='+prompt('URL:','')+']', '[/url]', '')" onmouseover="window.status='{$l_bb_url}'; return true" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true" onmousemove="pasteSel()"><img src="" style="width:23px;height:22px" alt="{$l_bb_url}" /></a> out;
$buttonImg=<<<out <a href="JavaScript:paste_strinL('', 3, '[imgs='+prompt('URL:',' g')+']', prompt('{$l_promptAlt}','')+'[/imgs]', '')" onmouseover="window.status='{$l_bb_image}'; return true" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true"><img src="" style="width:23px;height:22px" alt="{$l_bb_image}" /></a> out;
then paste {$buttonUrl} and {$buttonImg} (or other vars you may define) into templates/main_post_form.html file, instead of straight HTML provided. |