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Free File Attachment for miniBB!

Author Huidae Cho
#1 · Posted: 6 Jul 2007 00:52
I couldn't find any *free* file attachment plugins for miniBB, so I made it myself. Enjoy!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 6 Jul 2007 03:29
Don't know deeply how your addon works, but I see it uses a core-destructive modification. Actually it is a mod, not a plugin as we provide.

I would pay anybody's attention that if you "install" this mod it will be very difficult to upgrade the main scripts in the future.

Huidae Cho
How much time you've spent programming this mod? It seems your time is so cheap, that instead paying $25, which is worth just 2 hours of average programmer's fee like we charge, you've spent much more time...

Author Huidae Cho
#3 · Posted: 6 Jul 2007 06:42
Oh! Then I have to call it "mod" not "plugin". Thank you for clarifying it. Did I post in the wrong forum?

Yes, it's core-destructive, but, maybe due to the lack of understanding your code, I couldn't find an easy way to make it non-destructive. Maybe, I have to read the manual more carefully to better understand the plugin system. I didn't spent much time on it because my time is NOT that cheap ;-).

The main reason why I've released this code is that I thought basic features like file attachment should be free for free miniBB. I really like miniBB's lightweight design, but $25 for file uploading is just not light at least to me. However, I fully respect your time and effort. Take this mod as just a free alternative to your commercial product.

Thank you.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 6 Jul 2007 09:02
Did I post in the wrong forum?

- if you would did so we would already move this topic ;-)

Yes, it's core-destructive, but, maybe due to the lack of understanding your code, I couldn't find an easy way to make it non-destructive

- you are right. The File Upload addon which we provide as a paid solution (and it is a plugin, not a mod) uses a very complicated (by logics) code. Because File Upload operation itself is very difficult and must be secured from all the points. I wouldn't call it a "basic" feature. It requires some knowledge and understanding to set up. As you see even for our own forums we still use more lite File Bank addon, and it is enough.

I don't know how your mod works in this case.

Take this mod as just a free alternative to your commercial product

- as usual thank you, but... it's up to you to support it and attract its users. I didn't even have much time to install it and look how it works... nor saying I will support it ;-) I hope it would be useful for somebody else.

So just curious - how much time you have spent programming your mod?

Author Huidae Cho
#5 · Posted: 6 Jul 2007 13:35
"Basic" didn't mean "easy" programming. Some people would think file attachment should be provided by default (well, basic... ;-). But, I absolutely agree with you that file attachment has to be separated from the core engine, which you did.

Most of time was spent to study miniBB's code because, IMHO, the source code is not well-indented and not commented. It looks like you are using some special editor to automatically indent/unindent php files when programming. Otherwise, it's hard to *read*. My mode code is around 200 lines. It took me around 1 hour for UI design and actuall scripting. Well, total 1.5 hours (30 minutes of study :-) + 1 hour coding). It's not finished, though. So it will take *forever*. ;-)

Author Huidae Cho
#6 · Posted: 6 Jul 2007 13:39
BTW, are templates considered as the core? If I install a plugin, do I need to modify my template to display new messages from the plugin?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 8 Jul 2007 09:50
It looks like you are using some special editor to automatically indent/unindent php files when programming.

- we program it like you see it. And as I told many times previously, it is done by purpose.

For programming the addon, you don't need to study the main core at all. You just need to know which $action value to catch and built the conditions based on that action, which will execute the code in bb_plugins.php and bb_plugins2.php. Additional special functions like parseMessage() or parseTopic() may be involved. Study other free addons and you'll discover they all use the same method.

are templates considered as the core?

- no. The files which are not considered to be core files are all mentioned in manual under "Upgrading" section.

do I need to modify my template to display new messages from the plugin?

- sorry I didn't understand the question.

Well, for me it took hundreds of hours of work/testing to develop our premium File upload addon, so if you have spent just 2 hours I appreciate your effort ;-) I don't think it's a qualified work though.

But I'll take a look at your files next week and say precisely what I think. Thanks.

Author USB20
#8 · Posted: 29 Jul 2007 17:16
I want that only it accepts archives with .raw

Author USB20
#9 · Posted: 29 Jul 2007 17:17
oh LOL!! ffa_config('allowedFiles', '\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|txt|zip)$'); :D

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 31 Jul 2007 07:30
I've tried to install and check this addon, here is what I collected have so far:

- it needs to be mentioned in the README that a folder 'files' or other should be created with the proper permissions via the installation process, else it is not clear where the files should be stored...

- function parseMessage() is used amongst other addons and it produces "Cannot redeclare... previously declared..." error if there are some add-ons installed (for example, "Moving replies").

- even if I disable parseMessage() in any other places, there is an error which says:

Notice: Undefined index: file in C:\localhost\minibb\forums\ffa4minibb.php on line 280

and this stop the execution of the script, as a result files are not uploaded.

It is happening probably because nowhere in the README it is mentioned that posting forms should contain 'enctype="multipart/form-data"' tag. Without it, file uploading routine won't work. That way the $_FILES array is empty which produces this error.

Or maybe there is something else that is not mentioned... anyway I've had no luck installing this add-on. It is very raw.

I didn't go further and didn't see how it works finally, but I could say what we are selling on is really worth our time ;-)

This 'free' version doesn't contain international support by the way... wordings are put straight in the add-on file.

It is far-far away from the qualified plugin we're offering and supporting, so everybody has its own freedom of choice ;-)

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 Free File Attachment for miniBB!
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