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Like Buttons Anyone?

Author Bluesplayer
#1 · Posted: 10 Nov 2018 11:28
I have added like buttons to my posts now. Dead easy using a 3rd party script and a little messing around ...

Not all that functional I know but it adds a bit of fun and frivolity. All helps — I think.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 13 Nov 2018 00:30
It would be useful you also could provide instructions of what script did you use and how to embed it... the similar to something you have posted on your forum.

Author tom322
Active Member
#3 · Posted: 13 Nov 2018 06:01
I saw no icons - until I disabled Adblock.. so they are like all those tracking social media buttons that I always fail to see ; )

Author Bluesplayer
#4 · Posted: 13 Nov 2018 10:19
It would be useful you also could provide instructions of what script did you use and how to embed it... the similar to something you have posted on your forum.
The website providing the button code is this one ...

These are the steps I took to implement the code ...

Step 1
I added this to the parseMessage function found in bb_plugins.php file ...

/* Likes addon */
/* --Likes addon */

Step 2
Then I added 2 variables into the data-identifier of the supplied javascript ...


And placed the whole code in the appropriate part of main_posts_cell.html file - under the 'postedText' div.

The 2 variables add the topic tile and the message number to keep the identifier unique. This is essential for accurate likes and dislikes recording.

The above is all it took.

The FREE version will probably show multiple buttons on any forum page with the above alteration to the identifier part of the code (fooled into thinking each is a separate page) but I purchased a year's usage for $7.99 which allows for 20 displays (more than enough for my site as it is a very new site and pretty dead at present).

You can adjust their looks from quite a range. They seem to do their job fine, adding a little colour and fun to the forum posts.

Author Bluesplayer
#5 · Posted: 13 Nov 2018 10:20
I saw no icons - until I disabled Adblock.. so they are like all those tracking social media buttons that I always fail to see ; )
I have to disable my VPN service to log into this site ;)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 13 Nov 2018 18:26
Thanks for your solution. I personally still don't support like/dislike operations for the forum, because it some way limits visitors to make a useful content, but I may consider to code a premium add-on for miniBB to add this system, I have some earlier requests already, so it's worth considering after all primary jobs on the project are done.

But regarding this:

I have to disable my VPN service to log into this site ;)
What website do you mean?

Author Bluesplayer
#7 · Posted: 13 Nov 2018 18:31
I have to disable my VPN service to log into this site ;)

What website do you mean?
Earlier I received the minibb warning about some hacking attempt or something (this site - minibb). I disabled my VPN service and I was then able to log in. For some reason it isn't affecting me this time around.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 13 Nov 2018 18:38
Earlier I received the minibb warning about some hacking attempt or something (this site - minibb).
I'm confused :) if some next day you receive something similar, please drop me a screenshot of what it says to ghappa at gmail dot com (and I'd actually wonder to know how such different things as VPN services and "hacking attempts" could live together...). May be it is all because this site is still not under https? Who knows...

Author tom322
Active Member
#9 · Posted: 13 Nov 2018 19:35
May be it is all because this site is still not under https?
Must be it (especially that it was during a login operation).

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 Like Buttons Anyone?
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