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Making Email notifications box Checked by default

Author Simon_B
#1 · Posted: 13 Jul 2005 21:11
I've added the possiblity for my users to recieve e-mails when someon replies to a topic they have postet in or just follow.

I would like the checkbox below the textarea to be checked by default. Does anybody know what template or function holds the code for the checkbox, so I can change it to 'checked by default'?

Author Simon_B
#2 · Posted: 13 Jul 2005 21:19
Forgive me :-) This just because I'd like an e-mail notificatione when someon (hopefully) helps me with my problem, and I forgot to sign up before posting my question....

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#3 · Posted: 13 Jul 2005 23:16
You rather need this in setup_options.php:


See it in the manual. But you'll find that it can be very boring :)

Author Simon_B
#4 · Posted: 13 Jul 2005 23:30
Thank you for your quick response.

I've have already set $emailusers=1; as you suggest.

What I'm looking for is simply in what .html og .php file I can find where the appearence of the checkbox and folowing text is coded, so I can add: value=checked.

I want to give my users the ability to uncheck the checkbox. My users probably would like to recieve e-mails about replies to their topic, but likely they'll forget to check the checkbox.

Therefore I'd like to do it for them.

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 15:28
bb_functions.php - function emailCheckBox()

Author Simon_B
#6 · Posted: 15 Jul 2005 00:20
Thank you!

Author Slavik
#7 · Posted: 14 Sep 2006 11:02
I want to ask is it possible to put email notification checkbox above the login password input, when posting with authorization, like in sreenshoot

" style="width:150px

If yes, please explain me step by step what I need to write in templates. I novice in programming.

Second thing, checkbox "email notifications" must be "marked" at start.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 14 Sep 2006 11:36
I want to ask is it possible to put email notification checkbox above the login password input, when posting with authorization, like in sreenshoot
I guess, it already should be displayed like that? Do you see it on our forums?

main_post_form.html template holds the value of this box. Paste {$emailCheckBox} wherever you want.

For marking it at start, edit bb_functions.php and locate emailCheckBox() function. Where it says

<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"CheckSendMail\" />

it should be

<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"CheckSendMail\" checked=\"checked\" />

Author Slavik
#9 · Posted: 14 Sep 2006 12:19
Thanx for the answer.

I guess, it already should be displayed like that? Do you see it on our forums?

No, it isnt. Didnt see it earlier. And dont see it now. Read next my reply:

main_post_form.html template holds the value of this box. Paste {$emailCheckBox} wherever you want.

It is already there. I put second one in
<td class="tbTransparent" style="text-align:left">{$emailCheckBox}<br />{$loginLogout}</td></tr>

I dont see it. It is not active when I am not logged in. I need subscribe together with loginning (in time of sendind message)

For marking it at start, edit bb_functions.php and locate emailCheckBox() function. Where it says

There is one problem with it - when I logged in, and post new topic or post - there is no checkbox, only writen "Unsubscribe" under field. It is not good. Because user might not subscribe yet. And he may think that word "Unsubscribe" mean that he is already subscribed.

And second problem with it, when I pres "Unsubscribe" page reloads, and give me index of forum : ) User losts topic : )

I need there only checkbox checked, not words like "Unsubscribe". That I could uncheck it without reloading (posting message with unchecked checkbox must unsubscribe me).
How to do it? please help : )
And thanx again.

Small example
User didnt post yet, and want to post. If he does not wish to be signed, he needs to leave a topic, by pressing Unsubscribe. It is serious problem.
Unsubscribe function should be by checking or unchecking checkbox and pressing Send.

Author Slavik
#10 · Posted: 14 Sep 2006 13:22
Two main things
And maybe it will be useful for all miniBB users in the future, if you help me. : )

First - User is already authorized
Unsubscribe/Subscribe function should be by checking or unchecking checkbox and pressing POST. If there is no message in field, user subscribes/unsub. to the topic - and post or new topic is not created.

Second - User is not authorized
That user could in one click on POST - post + subscribe(check/uncheck) + authorize(!)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 14 Sep 2006 14:01
I'm sure this box appears (on our forums, too - I see it), and if it's not appearing on your forums, read manual, what emailing options you need to set up ($emaiUsers + $genEmailDisable).

Email Notifications Checkbox

It's impossible to display this box if you are not logged in, system will not know your privileges for subscription in that case, that's why it's not worth to display it. miniBB allows to log-in from message form before posting, so you need to log-in first, only subscribe/post a message.

I didn't understand what you mean with "Unsubscribe" fields. If your native is Russian, feel free to make your questions in Russian. Your English is very bad to understand.

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 Making Email notifications box Checked by default
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