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Member types and ranked avatars

Author jon_bennett
#1 · Posted: 24 Mar 2002 12:34

Is there a default that I need to change so that each new person who registers has a status like member etc ?

I'm using 1.1.



Author GoodMojo
#2 · Posted: 24 Mar 2002 14:02
Check your main_posts_cell.html (templates) it has to begin:
<tr bgcolor="{$bg}">
<td valign=top width="15%"><div><b><a name="{$anchor}" href="JavaScript:paste_strinL(''+'{$posterName}'+'' +'\\\\n',0)">{$posterName}</a></b><br><small>{$viewReg}</small></div> ....

if you want more, change the $l_member='what you want'; in the language file (eng.php).

If you want a special status to users, change the
$userRanks=array(Member#=>' <img src=\"url to an image\" border=\"0\"><br>MemberStatus'); in the bb_specials.php.

Member# ist the number of the user
url to an image - what it says (Avatar)
MemberStatus - the text you want to display below the username

Author GoodMojo
#3 · Posted: 24 Mar 2002 14:12
....</a></b><br><small>{$viewReg} ....

Author jon_bennett
#4 · Posted: 24 Mar 2002 14:21
My main_posts_cell.html is:

<tr bgcolor="{$bg}">
<td valign=top width="15%"><div><b><a name="{$anchor}" href="JavaScrip:paste_strinL(''+'{$posterName}'+''+'\\\\n',0)">{$poste rName}</a></b><br><small>{$viewReg}</small& gt;</div>
<td valign=top width="85%"><small>{$l_posted}: {$postDate}{$editedBy}{$viewIP}<br><script language="JavaScript">getQuotation();</script>{$a llowed}<div align=left><br>{$posterText}</div></td>
</tr& gt;

So why doesn't it show up ??

Author GoodMojo
#5 · Posted: 24 Mar 2002 14:37

got it!

check your language file (eng.php) line 328 ?

Author jon_bennett
#6 · Posted: 24 Mar 2002 15:25
Yep, 328 = $l_member='Member';


Author Team
#7 · Posted: 24 Mar 2002 15:27

eng.php as GoodMojo mentioned plus you can add special rankings & avatars for special users via bb_specials.php it was discussed somethere in forums here...

Author Team
#8 · Posted: 24 Mar 2002 15:43
ahh if you don't have member types.... something is wrong with your main_posts_cell.html template, also check whether this template & bb_functions.php file are from the same version of miniBB...

Author jon_bennett
#9 · Posted: 25 Mar 2002 14:30
OK, I realise now that I haven't set up any member group names, is it possible to have say users with ID's 5 or greater as 'member' and 1 (me) as 'Admin' and say we've got 400 members and I won't ID's 8,56,250, to be Team will the 5 and greater be overwritten ???



Author Team
#10 · Posted: 25 Mar 2002 15:10
Didn't understand the question.
Hierarchy is:
Registered user is 'Member' (or whatever in lang file)
Admin is 'Admin' (or whatever in lang file)
Unregistered user has no status.

You can only add special statuses for special users in bb_specials. User ID is never overwritten.

Author jon_bennett
#11 · Posted: 25 Mar 2002 15:16
My mistake, sorry

Hadn't updated the lang file.


Author Anonymous
#12 · Posted: 17 Apr 2002 14:03
Ok if i want to make a special status for a member how do i do it, that way isnt working. Could someone do an example wid there name?

Author Team
#13 · Posted: 17 Apr 2002 14:20

$userRanks=array(1=>'<img src="./img/smilies/cool.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>');

Produces image near nickname like now for admin.

Custom Tutorials and Modifications miniBB Support Forums / Custom Tutorials and Modifications /
 Member types and ranked avatars
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