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minibb news plugin for wordpress

Author deuced
#1 · Posted: 30 Jan 2008 04:16
After setting up my miniBB forums in my blog i decided to make a plugin to show the latest replies at my sidebar. What i did is took the code of FIRST PAGE NEWS addon and modified it to make it work in my installation as a configurable widget. You can see it in action in my sidebar:

Minibb news plugin is in BETA and also have some known "bugs" but it works for me. If anyone wanna try it, feel free to grab it.

Minibb news plugin has it's own page here: where i will post new releases.

Before trying it read ALL the page and follow the instructions given.


MiniBB News plugin is tested with WordPress 2.3 and later and with miniBB 2.1c installed. Installation of miniBB should be in a directory INSIDE the WordPress installation for the plugin to work.

Direct link for downloading it is here:

Author deuced
#2 · Posted: 15 Feb 2008 00:45
hello again

As i have already said my WordPress plugin for miniBB is based on the code of FIRST PAGE NEWS addon with some modification to make it work for WordPress.

While working on it i thought that if a user likes to sort first page news by latest replies he/she would wanted to have a direct link to that reply and not the topic. That may have been discussed in these forums but i didn't find any info so i thought i could share it for anyone interested.

So i add a couple of lines and i m posting them here for anyone want the same thing for FIRST PAGE NEWS addon.

BEWARE that the code works for my WP plugin BUT haven't tested in FIRST PAGE NEWS so i'm not sure about it. If it works and you find it useful let me know.

modification for FIRST PAGE NEWS addon

//ORIGINAL CODE Lines 93-94
if(isset($mod_rewrite) and $mod_rewrite) $linkToTopic="{$forum_id}_{$topic_id}_0.html";
else $linkToTopic="{$indexphp}action=vthread&forum={$forum_id}&topic={$topic_id}";

replaced with:

// HACK: if postsort by latest reply link to latest message else link the topic
$latest_page_link = intval($posts_count / $viewmaxreplys);

if ($post_sort==1) {
if(isset($mod_rewrite) and $mod_rewrite) $linkToTopic="{$forum_id}_{$topic_id}_{$latest_page_link}.html#msg{$topic_last_post_id}";
else $linkToTopic="{$indexphp}action=vthread&

else {
if(isset($mod_rewrite) and $mod_rewrite) $linkToTopic="{$forum_id}_{$topic_id}_0.html";
else $linkToTopic="{$indexphp}action=vthread&forum={$forum_id}&topic={$topic_id}";

PS to Team: If i'm violating any copyright or rule for posting my mod here please remove my post and accept my apologies :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 15 Feb 2008 04:42
Feel free to post your own hacks here with no problem :-) Generic miniBB is released under GPL so this add-on is too. This means you are free to modify it any way you want ;-)

Custom Tutorials and Modifications miniBB Support Forums / Custom Tutorials and Modifications /
 minibb news plugin for wordpress
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